Yes, the majority. The media spouts nowadays about some "male loneliness epidemic" while those said "lonely men" blame women for being evil and not settling for them. Even those that don't say it directly still believe in that. Men only talk about mental health when they can weaponize it: they claim to be lonely to paint themselves as poor victims. In most cases they don't blame other men for not initiating and maintaining friendships, which is according to many studies actually one of the main causes on why men are nowadays "lonely". Instead they either subtly or directly paint women as the culprits because they won't settle for LVM. Of course there are genuinely good men that are struggling to form relationships and don't blame women, and there's nothing wrong with them. However, they are the absolute minority, the 1%. The rest are human trash that weaponize loneliness as an excuse to hate on women and the fact that they have basic rights.
This brings us to a question that one may ask concerning this topic: "How can the male loneliness epidemic be solved?"
If we look at the pattern most discussions concerning this phenomena share, we can definitely see what all they hint at:
Women are oppressed->men can get wives with no effort-> No lonely men-> women suddenly get freedom-> Men now have to be decent people to get a partner-> Men are lonely virgins because women are tired of their shit
If you haven't realised it yet, most of them believe the loneliness epidemic can be solved by making women slaves again. Even those that don't claim it outright mean it, because once they mention the word "women" when talking about this topic it's so obvious what they're thinking subconciously. Men are, by nature, lazy, egoistic and impulsive beings. Almost nobody is decent enough to admit that men are the problem, not women. Instead they are mad that because of women having basic freedom, they struggle in this society. Incels are an extreme, but visible example of this. Even your average but lonely Joe that isn't affiliated with them is very likely to atleast deep down wish that women were without rights again, because it would be much more easier to get a girlfriend that way. It's in human nature to choose the easiest way to achieve something, and this definitely applies to what said just now. So when you meet or even see a man that claims to be lonely, tread lightly. Because, most likely, he deep down hopes for you to be enslaved and just is waiting for the right moment in history to reveal his true colors as a natural-born abuser.
Men want women to solve their problems and be their second mommy to them, they want women to give them free housing, they want women to be traditional wives to them but refuse to be traditional in return because when it doesn't suit them they bitch about 50/50.
Men who are a burden should die alone.
Second I've seen so many times that men want sharia law for women and want to make it illegal to be rude to men so women are forced to reject politely and kind, and im sure there will be a law where women can't reject them, so any creep or pig will get the attention his mommy never gave him.
If they want slavery then I want gender select and make abortions legal everywhere for sons. The male population needs to drop so that these beasts can be controlled better.
If they can be barbaric then we need to be worse so that these degenerates since birth will know their place.
Surprise, surprise but playing video games, going on Reddit and consuming porn does not generate a meaningful life.
It's the perfect recipe for loneliness.
Also the lonely men probably listened to the smelly and unfit podcast and think they have endless options and now that they got nothing they start to regret letting their first wife go, "I was young and dumb" well you're too late now.. I see the lonely men in my area too saying "I thought I had it all, I felt was too young to remain married now I regret not staying. I can't believe women are so resentful not willing to understand than a man can make a mistake and realize a woman's worth later on in life" With other words he probably reached out to her and she slammed the phone shut in his ear.
They want young women to make them happy but would never find solace in dating another lonely woman, the problem with men in general is that they would never date a woman who is just as useless and lazy as them. That's why I don't pity them.
Suck it up and die alone.
Most men, even self-proclaimed leftist men, would abuse and enslave any woman.