So this girl, let's call her Katy (not her real name). So Katy is in my class and she has hated my guts for over a year and she actively tries to make others (or women, at least) distance away from me .
I'd only spoken to her a couple of times before Katy became hostile to me. But only a long while later, I managed to get confirmation from my friend (who used to be friends with Katy before becoming my friend) about what I've already known deep down: that Katy had told my friend that she didn't like me and that she wants her to stop hanging out with me. My friend refused and Katy has ignored her since.
It seems so petty of Katy as we're both adults, and just last week, after speaking a couple of times to someone I hadn't known before, Katy spoke to her the next day while I was there and then she (the person I hadn't known before) wouldn't even say hello to me. That's Katy's pattern. It also happened to someone who used to be in my friend group.
I don't understand Katy's behaviour, as it seems childish, cruel and underserving, and I don't see a reason as to why she would do that and go that far. She is considered to have high values and whatnot, but somehow her empathy cannot extend in this case.
The only thing I might think of is Katy's native to the place where I currently live and is very upper-classy and keeps citing her parents' comments and occupation as a point of reference, whereas I come from a more average and middle-class and I'm not well-versed with the dynamics that she's used to from her very sheltered background (from my experience some people like that only expect people to fit in with their stereotypes). She's also a social drifter, not really in a group but can kinda attach to a different person every now and then, but is not really a part of any group, whereas I have my constant group of friends, with a couple of people (mostly the same ones) that sometimes join us as well.
I also don't understand why some people go along with her.
Its just so weird and annoying.
Any thoughts?
There was a girl at my first job in construction that turned on me and waged a 2 year war to get me fired. It was insane. She pretended to be my friend at first, then when she got promoted over me, which I was happy for her, she went after me with everything she had. She'd make up lies that I left out $50K worth of Masonry rebar or that I left out $100K worth of precast erection. Each time, I had the proposals from the subs that proved she was lying, but just because she was bad mouthing and lying, people took her side. I brought in a billion dollars worth of work to the company in 2010, and she had my boss believing I was a fuck up. She even ambushed me with my boss in his office talking about how I'd given them the wrong elevator in a bid, and I pulled out the bid card that showed I'd given them the lowest 2 numbers with the caveat written next to the lowest bidder that they weren't the specified elevator vendor. My boss and others at the VP level made the wrong decision to use that number. It wasn't my decision, but she blamed me for it and said I'd messed up every bid we'd had since I'd been there. I told her, "You wouldn't even have a job if it wasn't for me winning all of this work. I was the bid captain on every job we won this past year. All $1 billion worth. Stop lying and going behind my back to the boss." She had to write an email with a fake apology about how she made a mistake and that it's wrong that I think she's got a vendetta. She couldn't get me fired for my work, because I was great at my job and smarter than her, so she got me on the merger. So I was laid off, went to a new company, and she followed me there within 2 years. I dropped my resignation as soon as I'd heard She'd been hired. There are psychopathic women. Andree is one of them. Just plain evil. She'd have one fake voice for the upper management and another evil tone for her peers or those below her. It's not just men who a are bad these days. You gotta watch for the evil women, too.
Can your friend who used to be Katy's friend find out why this woman is doing this to you? This all sounds so junior high, I'm shocked that you stated that they are all adults in this situation because. What.