Nothing has ever exhausted me more than men have. I know manipulative and abusive men I've dated were especially tiring, but I feel like all men are so chaotic and tiring...
I only recently learned that women need more sleep than men.... I am 39!!! Even my best boyfriends insisted on holidays where I would need to still technically be working while he was snoring in the background of our hotel room. I've even rolled up hot air balloons and pulled them off highways for a guy who manufactured and flew them (he passed away, sadly, and it wasn't due to ballooning).
I've never dated a guy who let me rest. Granted, I'm adventurous too blah blah. But I just can't even imagine a man actually letting me rest. Do they do this? Have I just never dated one? Have I just never met one?
The men in my family are like this. I've also seen women who never catch a break juggling a career, kids, and an exhausting husband. I've seen women just so so so soooo burned out and yet their men think they should push on or get tougher or something?
We are fuckin' built differently. That's all there is to it. Almost all the men I've seen throughout my life have the underlying idea that women need to be machines.
My worst boyfriends (the most manipulative and abusive) would start fights with me at 2 am when I had work the next day. These are extreme examples, but... okay so, extremely abusive men are exhausting and so are the not so abusive ones I've dated, too. So wtf are they doing?
The only conclusion I can come to is that they want to see us tired beyond belief. The more haggard and burned out we are, the less competition they have and the more they get to feel like they are the prize. Stress and bad sleep will ensure we look like crap, which means no compeition for them and at the end of the day when people see us together, they'll wonder how such a fresh looking scrote with no bags under his eyes ended up with such an exhausted looking girl. . .
You can compare almost any man next to almost any female and clearly see that we need more rest and that we are built differently.
The next man I date is going to take all the braun of our relationship. He's built for it; I am not.
You know the saying, "Be mean to keep 'em keen"? I feel like they probably have one that is something along the lines of, "Keep 'em tired so you don't get fired."
The first man who comes along that makes me feel sleepy, tired, stressed, keeps me up, and/or wears me out with anything other than sex is FIRED.
Men are predators by nature and I don’t mean just sexual or severe cases of predatory behavior. They prey on the weak,they prey on the young for their own survival and thrive on the backs of women because other men usually don’t allow them to come close. Men would never date someone just as useless as them, That alone says enough, they always seek women who are more fortunate than them to suck them dry.
It’s usually men who expect the woman to stay at home for support them, it happens all the time, not just America but Europe too. I don’t like men at all and the more I hear about them, the more I realize that I’m better off with cats,
I hear you. My last ex is the reason I do want to live with a man anymore. Asshole worked from home, would insist on going out and do anything after me returning home from work. Staying at home was boring, oh and I should eat this and this, do this and this "to improve my life/health"...
In the last months of our relationship I was so exhausted that even at a beach in Croatia I thought "I want to return home and just watch bullshit on tv". I also thought I should go see a doctor because of my burnout.
Well, just after a few weeks after I broke up with him I returned to my normal self and have not been that tired for some reason?
So no, never again.
No second marriage.
No living together.
No staying at my place the whole weekend.
Just dating and having fun when I have time and motivation.
My abusive ex boyfriend chose to keep me up before big exams because he was evil and jealous that I did better academically. His full name is Keith Scott Brisson. This will not dox me because he is a serial rapist and abuser. He deserves to die.
It’s because a lot of men are lazy and incompetent. My dad and brother are complete opposite. They cook, clean, work , help around the house, do grocery shopping. My parents have an equally beneficial relationship and we’ve taught my brother to be a productive person. It’s really dependent on the way boys are raised and unfourtnately they’re raised to be useless sacks of shit. Who think the world owes them anyhting cuz they have a penis.
It's perfect timing that this post was made. Both my dad and brother think I sleep too much when I'm lucky to get 4 to 5 hours sleep. They think that since I'm in my room, therefore I'm sleeping. I'm in my room TRYING to sleep but, I don't fall asleep or back asleep well. My dad keeps waking me up when he promises he won't.