I’ve learned to be a pickme growing up without even knowing what it was. ”Learn Cook and clean or no man would want you“ was taught instead of “Learn as Much as you can, be financial independent so that no man has a leverage over you”
“The man is the bread winner and the head of the house and you must respect him“
Instead of “Have your own house and be self sufficient so that you never have to be exposed to being taken advantage of by men”
”Be forgiving because men are not perfect, If you don’t you’ll end up alone“
Instead of “Leave when disrespect is served, he behaved this way because he wanted to”
Worst of all the women who taught the pickme ways had abusive husbands in the past. You‘d think they know better.
Its a shame that I didn’t have better role models, I have to put up with washed up losers like that, thankfully I showed resistance towards this ideology because I have a right to be my own person, I wasn’t born to be a servant, I have hopes and dreams and it’s my birthright to be happy.
I share my knowledge with other women all The time but I’m only one person. I wished FDS had a higher reach. If every woman levelled to a Queen we’ll eliminate men’s power over women. They can’t oppress, they can’t use and abuse.
When I look at swiss finishing/ trade schools I wished all girls have an option to attend and have FDS added in then it will create the most healthiest and best environment for women to grow up in. No more Bullcrap stories about if a man taunts you it’s because he likes you, But men are held accountable for such behaviour instead.
You can’t send men to these finishing schools and expect gentlemen in return, Men only are at their best behaviour when their actions backfires right away. There is no point in raising them properly because severe consequences is the only language these big children understand.
Worst of all the women who taught the pickme ways had abusive husbands in the past. You‘d think they know better. ^^ They don't know better. I remember my grandma telling me all men are like that so you just accept the highest earning of the bunch that wants you and cater to him. I was told to look extremely attractive by always grooming myself to fit the narrative of the male gaze and keeping my body in excellent position. Cooking, cleaning, and catering to his needs were of the utmost importance. Same with looking extremely attractive, being extremely open to sexually pleasing him and letting him lead were reiterated a lot. Not once did I hear anything about my needs or wants mentioned other than his financial contributions to providing a home or food for me. Yes pick-meism is often a generational curse that plagues most of us in society. Before I could reprogram the knowledge I gained on FDS, I had to deprogram all the pickme values instilled in me from birth.