I am below average and also I have dark eyes and dark curly hair, in my area light features and straight hair are the beauty standard. I get zero male attention I am almost 23 and never really experienced it anywhere in any environment. Not even in clubs. Men only point out stuff they dont like on me, like my curly hair and being too thin with no curves. And they are very mean about it.
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You gotta stay away from men. Your low self esteem has nothing to do with your features, you and I look the same and are the same age, I get attention from men all the time. YOU dont accept yourself, not men. I could tell you that male attention is meaningless anyways but that wouldnt help you because you wont care, you are craving validation. Its just your validation is the one you are craving.
First step is accepting you have this problem with yourself and then looking into how to build your confidence. I am sure you dont love everything else about yourself and its not just your looks that are frustrating you.
My advice: get as far aways from men as possible, the less you have them around the more you are forced to learn its you who has a problem with you. Research what strategies they use in therapy to help people build self esteem. Write down what you hate about yourself and why. You need to figure out your root problem and realize where this comes from. You are not inherently this way and you have a drive to help yourself because you care enough to ask this question. Use this first step to free yourself.
If you have more questions, feel free to ask!
Believe me, you don't actually want male attention. You just believe you do because of patriarchal conditioning. The reality of being seen as desirable by men is absolutely horrifying.
at 23 i had never even been kissed. i tought i was the worst, the ugliest, the less interesting, etc. guys never gave me any attention, they were never interested in me.
then one day they started noticing me (i also chased them) and i regret everything. now i just want to be invisible.
sis, male attention is worthless. it doesn't matter whether you get a lot of it or none at all. it does more harm than good. you don't need male attention, you need to prioritize yourself and decenter men. when your HVM appears, his attention will be the one that matters romantically (just remember it's not the most important thing in your life).
i understand how you feel because i've been there. i felt terrible, like a loser. i mean, everyone kept saying men were desperate for sex and would never leave women alone, and there i was being completely invisible to them. that insecurity led me to bad experiences because i thought i was not good enough, not girlfriend material. i kept asking myself "wtf is wrong with me? what am i doing wrong? i just want to kiss. it can't be that hard..."
i was so desperate to be desired that i got involved with guys who carried tons of red flags and caused me trauma because they validated my fuckability. i wasn't even that into them, but being desired sexually made me feel valued. and that is a TERRIBLE way to boost your self-esteem.
people told me my standards were too high. so i lowered them. BAD DECISION.
people said i should 'give that guy a chance' so i did. not a good idea.
i know you feel like there's something wrong with you, but please please please do not fall into that trap. no one is perfect. however, you can become a better person by leveling up, to be happy and make your life better, not to get male attention. male attention is a curse.
I have never received male attention either. I think it's easy to desperately want something you've never had, but you are putting your worth in the hands of men and you must do all you can to stop. Listen to the women on this thread who show that male attention brings nothing but pain. It's also very fickle and temporary. You want to be loved and valued for who you are. That's what every woman deserves.
There's nothing to feel awful about. Male attention is abundant and LV, as you have noticed. It's not any more of a compliment if they do notice you than if they don't.
If I were you, I wouldn't be concerned at all. Focus on living your best life by elevating your education, career, fitness, and/or finances.
I'm in my late 30s and think most sexual attention from men is damaging if not downright traumatic for young women.
I usually get attention from old men, It's a shame. Dudes my age assume im a kid, old men assume im a kid so they prey upon me. At times I feel a bit sad too.
Just want to let you know that you are worth more than attention from a strange man! Please don't focus on that thing and enjoy the other good things life gives to you. One day you'll realize it's not something to be worried about.
Lucky you! Male attention means absolutely nothing and usually comes with a large doses of harrassment and intimidation.
You sound adorable!
I wish I could be invisible like you. I attract attention from undesirable men, who see me as an easy lay, or someone to manipulate.
You got to drop this "below average" nonsense.
Self esteem and confidence are the most attractive things ever. The less you care about men's attention, the better.
Listen to the FDS podcast on flirting strategies, it's very useful : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bcy02JcQ-PY
Okay, having dark eyes means absolutely nothing, and for many people, dark curly hair is beautiful. If you really want male attention, learn some makeup tricks and make the curls work for you. But here's the thing, male attention, unless the guy is rich, is mostly negative and will hurt you.
How nasty of them. Can you travel to a country for a short trip where they would love you? I feel like you’d be seen as sexy in South America.