it's crazy how many dudes are thirsty just to pump and dump and act like they're entitled to your time and keep pressuring women to hang at their place or in a secluded area. it's sad to say but nowadays if you hang out alone with a man that's clearly attracted to you, they think you owe them sex. idk if it's not the norm nowadays to decline invites like this but they act so entitled. If i'm not going out with a man on a date that's interested in a relationship and actually respectful and respectable, why tf do i need to entertain you for?
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Yep. I expect if we’re alone and it isn’t public (someone bedroom?) then he will expect sex. I can’t think of any other locations that are fully private, but even the park or a quiet street is dangerous. Mostly if you haven’t vetted and he’s scary, of course.
This. In my 20s and 30s I was in sooo many uncomfortable, near rapey situations with men because of my naïveté, and their inability to control themselves. I’m trying to prepare my 14 year old without scaring her to death.
Yes in my pick me Days I was so naive even at 23 !!! That I assumed men are like us and they really want to HAng out no just no It got me In real dangerous situations..never be alone with a man who you havt properly vetted . Or a guy friend coz their tiny dick brains wud want to have sex with you and there is no reason for any girl to hang out with a man alone in the bedroom or secluded area .
Made the mistake once of letting a past male acquaintance know I lived alone during Uni. He badgered me to "hang out" at my place or tried to incorporate plans to "swing by" real quick.
The worst part is he had a girlfriend too. If it's one thing they'll always have is the damn audacity.
One guy a few months ago asked if I wanted to drive 30 miles to his house where he has a jacuzzi. This was after exchanging a couple of messages. When I called him out on being a loser he was like hey you're a woman on tinder what do you expect? I then called him a "bottom of the barrel tinder match" made sure he saw it, and unmatched. scum scum SCUM