I work as a receptionist in a silk fabric company. One of our customers, a male designer, came in earlier to buy fabric. He was waiting and sitting a couple of feet away from me desk and was talking on his phone. As he was talking I started to smell a foul odor and could not figure out where it was coming from. When his fabric was ready, he came up to sign and pay. He started talking and I realized that the foul odor was his breath 🤢. It took a lot not to cough and I was trying to cover my nose. I have never smelled horrible breath like that in my life. I had to spray disinfectant and opened my window to try and get rid of the smell. My coworker that helped him came out and I asked him if he could smell anything. He said yes and I told him it was the customers breath.
I don't know if this is a guy thing, but its important to look after your teeth and get regular check-ups.
How many of you have encountered men with horrible breath whether it was in a professional/romantic/general setting?
This is a deal breaker for me. I am religious about my dental health. I cannot, will not kiss a person with jacked up teeth. My friend just got duped recently. She's been dating this guy for 2 months and noticed that he never smiled. She thought his teeth were being hidden by his beard. Weeeelll, come to find out all his front teeth are missing! ROFL. She called me so upset. And she had already made out with him too..eeeeeww!
I'll bet he had tonsil stones. They smell like death, basically.
So many dirty men out there, not brushing or flossing on a daily basis. Not bothering to brush their tongues, not drinking enough water, and letting tonsil stones fester. A lazy scrote's dirty mouth filled with nasty bacteria can upset the ecology in your mouth, which can lead to imbalances in your gut biome. Bad bacteria in your mouth leads to all kinds of health issues, including heart disease. The idea of kissing anyone with less than perfect dental hygiene is disgusting to me now. It's literally a question of good health.
I have a lot of male students with terrible breath. It sucks because they can ask questions or for help earnestly and it fills me with dread because I have to literally lean away while they speak LMAO. NONE of my women students are like this.
Omg this reminds me of when I was in a store a couple months ago. I’m minding my own business looking at something. Suddenly I get the whiff of something nasty, I look up and it’s this older man mouth breathing right beside me. I got the f out of there! The odour was offensive. Obviously bad breath is not gendered but I have never met any woman with unbearable bad breath, just men.
Omg 🤮
How?! How is this possible?!
I’ll be honest, I grew up poor with the mentality you go to the dentist when it’s an emergency or something is wrong because we didn’t have the money. I hadn’t been to the dentist in over a decade because of this mentality. I’ve recently begun going again. Thankfully not much was wrong. Just a few cavities. But you bet your ass I’ll be getting regular teeth cleaning and check ups for the rest of my life now.
But I never had disgusting breath like this guy. However , I don’t think men brush their teeth very well if at all.
My brother is in his late 20s and I don’t think he brushes very often. He needs to be reminded 🙄
I was really into this guy. Sweet, smart, sexy, funny, wealthy — all of it.
His breath was baaaaaaaad. I thought maybe it was an isolated incident, but he later confessed, when I purposely shared with him that I am excited about getting my teeth cleaned later that week, that he hadn’t been to the dentist since he was a child.
And, that was the end of that. I had some friends suggest I talk to him about it. Fuck that. If he can’t take care of his mouth what else can’t he take care of? All I saw was the beginning of a relationship where I have to teach him what his mama didn’t. No thanks.
It's also a sign of drug abuse (smoking crack or meth) at worst, poverty or messed up priorities at best. I went on one date with a man in his late 30s who was missing one front tooth. I wanted to shout, "Go to the fucking dentist!" Where the hell even are a person like that's priorities.
Gross. Bad breath is truly disgusting. If a man can’t keep his own mouth clean, he definitely doesn’t keep other parts of his body clean, including other things that are extensions of him like his car, house, etc.
I work as a dental receptionist and its sad how often I hear the dentists and hygienists complain about patients bad breath and its always from a man! I don’t envy them at all!
that's wild that you post on this topic...i was just listening to this:
I'm currently in the process of getting all my wisdom teeth removed (and having other dental work done). I learned that a reason to have your wisdom teeth removed is that they can cause horrifically bad breath. If you have impacted wisdom teeth that are partially erupted (like mine were) food/plaque/bacteria/other particles can get trapped under the gumline and it's literally impossible to clean, even for dentists. It can cause terrible breath and the only way to get rid of it is extraction.
It's actually the reason I finally got my wisdom teeth out. One day I was flossing and noticed the floss smelled terrible (embarrassing). I hightailed it to the dentist and they suggested removing my wisdom teeth. This is gross/TMI, but as soon the oral surgeon removed the lower impacted wisdom tooth, I could actually taste the source of my bad breath being released.
If you haven't gotten your wisdom teeth removed yet, definitely consider doing it before something gets trapped there and makes your breath putrid.
That’s honestly so disgusting. He can taste it, he’s just so nasty he’s used to it and doesn’t care.
Hi. It's disgusting when a person doesn't take care of their dental hygiene. There are many ways in the world to do this, toothbrushes and pastes, breath fresheners, gum, etc. What's stopping you from doing it?
Oh, ew! He might have had gingivitis, which smells really bad is really difficult to get rid of once you have it.
In general, men are more likely to neglect routine health care. Dental cleanings are health care. It's not cosmetic like people may think. A bad infection can develop and be difficult to resolve when someone doesn't get routine care. Dental health impacts all other health. Yes I have dated someone who had chronic bad breath. It wasn't apparent to me why at first because he had very good grooming. Eventually I learned he skipped seeing the dentist unless he had a problem. Over the years his gum infection got worse as did his breath. A big part of the problem is just the idea that dental care is cosmetic and not necessary.
I know this thread is a bit old but here goes…
my very first bf had the worst breath ever, never visited the dentist and and I had to actually remind him in the morning to brush his teeth. He was known in his friend group for having stinky feet, and he was very proud of this.
Another bf I had in the past had the worst dental hygiene by far, I don’t really remember his breath smelling bad, all though i’m sure it did, but every time he brushed his teeth his gums would bleed profusely! He didn’t see a problem with this and never went to the dentist.