Has anyone been in one of these groups before? I'm engaged and not worried about finding my guy on there but I find these groups so fascinating.
I joined one a while ago and was removed because I was commenting saying how ugly and unkempt some of these men were, and how the woman who posted could do so much better.
I recently joined a different group and i'm still shocked by the amount of ugly men that are posted on there. They're usually under 35 but already balding, overweight, ugly facial hair and just generally look like shit. The women that post these guys look like supermodels too!
I wish more women could find FDS because it completely changed the way I think in terms of dating and relationships.
I've never joined any Are We Dating the Same Guy group but I've lurked around. The men being posted there are really gross and creepy-looking. I assume the average guy on OLD looks like that irl. It's a good reminder why you shouldn't use OLD or be desperate for a relationship but I don't think it works in practice. A lot of the SOs of these cheating men will probably not lurk in these groups as they are not aware of the fact that their SOs are cheating.