Just a quote that has always stuck with me and something that helped me transform from desolate, lost pickme to self-centered and introspective in everything I do.
Self introspection and understanding your boundaries, deal breakers, and standards like the back of your hand are all so crucial before you need to worry about "dates" or "men." Make lists (yes, real and tangible lists) of all of these things and make them LONG. When we say, "Level up" this is what we mean.
Get these things right in yourself, even if it takes a while... because, whew, does healing the damage caused by rotten men you allowed into your life take infinitely longer. When you have these things correct in yourself, NV scrotes don't stand a chance.
So, take all the time that you need...
The writer below does a great job of explaining it all and I believe that it applies to family history as much as it applies to your dating history. Therapy I'm sure helps but I was never able to afford it. I had to do it myself, instead, but I'm grateful every day that I took the time to figure it out... it was everything I needed and more.
Always remember, you're in the driver's seat and you are in control.
At the end of the day it's actually up to US to get it right.