Whether you are for Valentine's Day or against it, your scrote should be showing up for YOU on this holiday.
If he ever asks you... you LOVE Valentine's Day! Especially if you are in the early stages. Don't give him outs to treat you like a cheap piece of furniture (because trust me, most of them will take it). Keep your standards extremely high and exhibit queen energy for this holiday and every day in between.
We celebrate every other commodity-ridden holiday, but somehow scrotes and the patriarchy want to brainwash us into thinking this one doesn't matter. Why would we give them an out to not celebrate our relationship? What is going on with the mental gymnastics surrounding this holiday? Yes, let's just forget the driving force of why we are together...The thing that has driven both men and women for centuries to write the most beautiful poetry, architect the most amazing buildings, make the most beautiful pieces of art.
Nah, sis. Aim higher than that.
Scrotes want to get out scot free on this one and any other chance you give them to do it. NVM don't want to spend the money (remember, it should be expensive to spend time with you) or wash their asses and dress up to look good for you. I seriously want to hurl just even thinking about a man wanting to squirm out of it. If he doesn't want to do it, he flat out doesn't care about you.
I used to make handwritten cards for my friends because I loved them. I show my family members love on this holiday, too. Actual love is always worth celebrating.
Your man should be gifting you things (meaningful things, things that you will love) and doing something nice for you on this holiday.
If on his way home from work on February 14th he picks up cheap chocolates and flowers half wilted because he missed the rush at your local grocery store (🤢), you have yourself a NVM scrote...
Use holidays as a gauge with men. If he didn't plan something ahead of time, put thought into my gifts, give me a thoughtfully-written card, take me to a nice dinner and follow it up with something else I will love, then the man is on his way out of my life because it is clear as day to me that I don't mean anything to him.
They have like 4 days max during the year to get it right (your birthday included), and if he can't even do that... then what makes you think he will make you feel special and show up for you anywhere in between holidays? It's a tell of him showing up for you when he is supposed to. I give gifts as well when I love the man, but the majority of the day and the gifting is on him.
Give me nice Belgian chocolates, some real and nice jewelry, nice art supplies or a piece of art that I've been wanting, a night away at some hot springs or a nice hotel, a meal at an impressive restaurant, take me to the orchestra... any of these (or anything else that is thoughtful that he can come up with)....
...or give me the death of this relationship.
Don't let society weaken your standards on the very few days we ask men to show up for us and make it special, because like I mentioned, he won't make any other days special for you either. Imagine this type of scrote's proposal to you (🤢), or how non-special your wedding or honeymoon will feel, or how you'll get treated if you get pregnant (🤮). Or even smaller days where you hit a personal milestone at work, etc. This type of man will never be celebrating you nor cherishing you.
In the end, what you accept from men is exactly what you will get from them. Keep your standards as high as Dolly Parton's hair for your scrote on this holiday (and every day) or buckle up for the long, slow ride to hell in search of the nonexistent bar you've set for him.
** Random side note.. If you're interested, Dolly sends monthly free books to kids. My nieces get them and they love them. She's super cool! https://imaginationlibrary.com/
If I am dating someone on Valentine’s Day, my expectation is dinner (at an expensive restaurant) and a gift (jewelry is great, but it doesn’t have to be jewelry). Flowers would be a bonus.
Most importantly, he has to make the reservation and buy the jewelry without being asked/told. He can ask me what I’d like to eat and what kind of jewelry I prefer, but the idea to ask has to come from him.
Dinner and a gift without my having to ask/hint/instruct has been my bare minimum expectation since high school.
Amazingly, I can think of no men in my life who have met this expectation.
Don’t get me wrong. The men I’ve dated have spent plenty of money on Valentine’s Day. They’ve taken me to Broadway shows and expensive restaurants and on vacations OR they’ve given me tangible gifts, but never dinner AND a gift on the same day. I don’t consider vacations, Broadway tickets, or restaurant dinners a gift specifically/exclusively for me. These things are gifts given to men by themselves, and even though I enjoy these activities, my presence is part of the gift.
THANK YOU! If I have to hear one more time EvErY dAy ShOuLd Be SpEcIaL as an excuse to act like Valentine's Day is NOT special, I'm gonna start charging a tax for getting on my nerves.
When men use that excuse with women, what they're saying is "Every day already IS special. For. Me. Because not only do I majorly benefit from having a woman in my life, but you're also very low-maintenenace and don't require jack shit from me. If you expect me to actually DO something for you on Valentine's Day, then it's not special for me anymore, because then I have to get off my ass and put in effort, when I normally don't have to."
Also, who are these mythical men that ONLY pretend to care about their girlfriends on Valentine's Day and no other day of the year? So fuck Christmas, her birthday, anniversary, maybe Mother's day, but oh, he'll play along for Valentine's Day! 🙄
Like you said, why is Valentine's Day the only holiday that is looked down on for being a "Hallmark holiday"? EVERY holiday is a Hallmark holiday in the United States.
That kind of thinking was all the rage when I was in undergrad 10 yrs ago. And girls would act SO high and mighty because they were all so above frivolous celebrations of love with their boyfriends and didn't need grand or silly gestures like that to feel loved.
So your boyfriend loves you so much that he DOESN'T do anything for you on Valentine's Day. Right. Yeah, I guess you two have a love no one else can understand ('cause it looks like neglect to us unenlightened masses, so what the fuck do we know? 🤷♀️)
Newsflash: everyday already IS special for men when they're in a relationship. And if they can't be assed to make it just as special, if not more so, for the women they're in a relationship with, then guess what? HE DOESN’T LOVE YOU or even like you. Women only have status TO LOSE when seen with a man, not gain like men do when they're seen with us.
And All. Men. Know this and those who actually respect women and truly love their woman, will compensate for this added value we bring in every possible way. Including BUT NOT LIMITED TO Valentine's day 🎤.
🌹 ❤️
P.S.--There's no reason why single ladies can't say "I love you" to themselves on Valentine's Day. It's not for couples, only.
And I also got a fake gold smelly necklace from another dude, I threw it away because I don't need that, I only wear real gold. One gamer gave games he no longer plays, within a week he's done playing it having platinum during that time for Christmas.
Now that I write about this I realize the gifts he gives you is how he sees you.
Is there such thing as too early to celebrate with a man? I've just started talking to a guy a week ago. I've actually never celebrated with anyone before lol so I don't know how it goes.
I had smelly flowers, I should have seen that as a sign that you are seen as cheap. But during that time I felt like expecting more with someone else's money is wrong.
I know now that cheap things is something you give to strangers you don't know. Not a person that you claim to 'Love'
My last ex never got me anything, only on my Bday and Christmas and I had to tell him what I wanted.
I am staying alone this Valentines anyway. No dates on the horizon.
Flamethrower, you have been helping women left and right on this forum, both in this post and elsewhere, and I just want to extend my thanks and gratitude. I miss the FDS of yore and you have been bringing it back. Please have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, where everyone treats you even better than you treat yourself, and at least as well as you treat them. I hope that for all women and girls.
What scrotes though? All get is matches insulting me by asking for fwb