Brits. I don't know if you have seen the footage coming out from the front of the courthouse and that raving lunatic. Rhymes with H-ate. (What a coincidence)
I don't want to put his name here, but ladies, you need to get politically active, now. Start small.
Consider Kelly Jay's Party of Women, or perhaps the UK reform party or something, but ladies...
Seriously, I have a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach about this.
Get active, get involved. Start now.
I believe Jess Phillips has also being speaking up for UK women.
Andrew Tate. Andrew Tate. Andrew Tate.
Say his fucking name. He’s not frickin’ Voldemort. He’s just a working-class, semi-literate, fatherless half-n*gger who forgot his place.
Racist? Classist? Elitist? I don’t give a fuck. This is Andrew Tate we’re talking about, ladies.
Are you talking about Andrew T@te, I saw the video. It’s a joke, the UK government will never allow a sack of shít like him in to UK politics. Plus we live in a democracy, we’d have to be voting for a candidate. The UK election happens every 5 years in the UK. This bald goblin will be somewhere in prison, forgotten and irrelevant. He’s a global joke.
And yes I do want to pursue politics hopefully in my career, and I do urge women to get In to law, government and politics. It’s crucial. Attain more resources. I am genuinely worried about how the future will be looking especially for Women and Girls. The only thing we can do is just to not let it affect us mentally, work hard, make more money, help other Women and girls. Money offers safety and protection to Women and Girls. More than anything else.
J. Phillips
+feel free to add resources, ladies. x