*EP. 71 -Roast-A-Scrote Grab Bag: Obsessive Coomer Disorder, the Period-Fearing Pastor & More
There is a fundraiser for $10,000 going on to help grow FDS so they can make more content!!
Such a good point about making female friends OUTSIDE of associations with men/male partners. SO important.
This was simultaneously hilarious and depressing!
I think an episode on HVW would be awesome. I always find it interesting when men criticize FDS because they use their own framework to do so. (How very self-centered and also way to prove the point, guys. Well done.) I saw a Tweet recently saying (a man to another man) "you're a model so of course you're HVM". I thought, "uh, no bruh, that's not even close to being true."
Side note: Maybe it's just me, but most of the time I can't tell the difference between Lillith's voice and Reaux's voice. I've really tried to pick up on subtle Canadian tells when Lillith talks, but it hasn't worked.
Savannah's is easy obviously. (your British accent is lovely and awesome Savannah!)
Do you think men are really scared of "false rape" accusations? It always seems like a whine.
loved this episode!! I loved that you stressed to always stick up for your own values and to not meet your sole friendship group through the boyfriends. Reminds me of the "Stepford wives" or something
I'm only partway through (I listen on my morning commute) but I wanted to jump in and say I generally agree with not building a female friend-group on the basis of "we are all dating the men in a male friend-group." One of you made a good point about "what if one of the couples breaks up" -- will the discarded woman lose these "friends" as they will probably replace her with the guy's inevitable new girlfriend? Yes!
I'd add another point -- if you make friends with a female friend of your boyfriend, it can open the door to the guy attempting to triangulate the two of you. Big nope there.
I've had it happen once or twice that I became good friends with a woman when our initial connection was because of a guy. But it was a different situation from the friend-group described in the podcast. In both of my situations, we had both dated and then discarded the guy we happened to both know. However, although that was the basis for our having met and it was the topic of our initial conversation, we had enough in common to connect on a much better (Bechdel-test) level after that, and the friendships flourished.
do the podcasts maybe focus too much on lvm?