Like the title says, I just listened to the episode "Should men be allowed to have guns?" (NO) and I was really impressed. For several reasons. The women panel were well informed, clear, intelligent and best thing ever you didn't talk over each other and no one had an annoying speech habit. Great topic, too!
One thing I'd like to say in regard to this topic is one of the women said a couple of times that abused women need to get out of the home before it gets to the point where they'd even need to shoot their abuser. In a perfect world, women would have the support they need to do that, but America is far from being that place.
I would suggest to anyone here, but especially mods and those doing the podcasts, to read "Why does he do that?" to learn about the insane life threatening challenges women who live with abusive men face when they are trying to get away from their abuser. The time a womans life is in the most danger is when they are trying to leave.
I believe in women arming themselves and being trained to protect themselves with lethal force if necessary. I also believe that those of us who are in a more healthy mental and emotional state should be offering tangible help to women who are not there yet. Yes, they are mickmeishas, but we've all been there, too. We should be offering armed escorts out of the abusive home and offering sanctuary inour own homes and help getting the services they need to start over and also the support they need to internalize FDS principles so they can stay out of abusive relationships. We should be forming networks of women who can help other women.
There are still so many ways women become trapped in relationships with men. Economic, emotional, sexual. If we are going to help each other we have to fill those gaps for each other. We need to be forming gun clubs, collective women/children only housing and even entire communities, childcare collectives, food buying co-ops, etc. We should be starting women owned and operated businesses and hiring abused women to help them get on their feet. (and we are all abused women under patriarchy)
How and where can we organize? This forum is a great way to discuss and refine our positions, but we can'tjust stay here. I want to be more involved. Who is doing what and how can I help?
Lol at telling the podcast hosts, who literally have let Lundy on the show, to read his book. I like your drive, but keep listening to the podcast. There is a lot more for you to learn. Besides that, I like the idea of female armed escorts and sanctuary spaces outside of shelters. Women’s only spaces are so important and I dig the idea of women banding together like that group of women in India do, sorta like a female-led biker gang lol. I think the best strategy here is for women with FDS mindsets to get into positions of power (judges, city planners, congress, business owners, teachers, etc.) and to work on shifting the mindsets and laws in women’s favors. A lot of power positions are held by misogynistic boys clubs. We can change that. Better yet, we can make our own clubs by getting our own education and our own money. I really love the idea of building a female-centric town set up with female-only schools, a female-only university, majority women run businesses, and basically just having incentives to hiring qualified women to run and operate a town focused on women. And it’s not like men would be banned, but just not centered. I imagine there being boys growing up and having a real appreciation for women because the women that they see are more than just homemakers, but lawyers, dentists, teachers, professors, doctors, judges, police officers, fire fighters, IT specialists, electricians, financial advisors, car mechanics, engineers, architects, scientists, and so much more. I kinda live for the day when a boy looks at women playing a sport and it’s just “basketball” or “tennis” not “women’s basketball” or “women’s tennis.” We live in a male centered world, a female centered town sounds absolutely amazing and a breath of fresh air. Man. The more I think about it the more I realize I have yet to see a statue of a woman where I live. We have busts and memorabilia of influential men, but not of women. That needs to change. A female-centric town is a great place to dtart.
Yeah you're basically describing separatism. I'm hetero so I was guffawed by the idea of it at first but it's not something where women slap rules on you and say you cannot ever love men, look at them, or that you must throw away your attraction and live on an island with only women for the rest of your life. It's women wanting women only spaces that is strictly enforced for the benefit of women. And we really need the kinds of resources you described to pull ourselves together as a collective force. We make up half the population! We can do some serious damage with going on strikes and voting for interests that best serve women.
In America the women only businesses you're describing are getting shut down for discrimination.. I would really love a women's only gym but yeah they get bombarded by media attacks and get the legal books thrown at them. We will have to really fight for our spaces if we want it.