This video dragging Redpill grifters like Pearl started out good, but then the OP went off on a tangent about the "mean old man hating feminists who simply WILL not contend themselves with giving a shit about male opinions"
Baby girl, quick question. Remind me who started every single war in human history? Whose first instinct DURING said wartime is always always ALWAYS to commit mass rape?
I'm gonna be honest. Whenever a pickmeisha starts pontificating about how wonderful men are and why women don't coddle them harder, all I can think about is "you're defending the type of human who carried out what happened to Junko Furuta 🤢🤮"
Did you get picked bestie? Did you get the male validation that you wanted? Did you get the male approval that was worth throwing your sisters under the bus?
Like even if you DESPISE man-haters (I'm not one either), why do you have to go out of your way to talk down on them? The "man-hating feminists" you are talking about, regardless of your opinions on them are the REASON you have the rights women like Pearl are dunking on!