Every deluded pick-me seems to have a guy that she thinks was the one that got away. Always going around saying "There's good men out there though, I passed up good men." 😭They had some scrote who was love-bombing them, their own intuition kicked in telling them that this was a bad guy, and now they walk around thinking did they passed up the man who would have married them if only they'd given him a chance. They think that if they chose guy A instead of guy B that they would have got a different result. After a few questions it turns out that she hasn't even had sex with the guy yet! Well my God of course he's going to be on his best behavior if you haven't given him sex yet. When the rubber hits the road in the relationship that's when all the flaws he was hiding start screaming to the surface. Look at the guys that you did choose who seemed good, didn't they turn into a-holes? But these pick-mes walk around swimming in regret and nothing seems to shake them out of it... That Is Until Now. Looking the guy up on AreWeDatingTheSameMan is a game changer, she gets to see the women who did choose him, and how badly it turned out for those women. Also looking up the guy's facebook and, guess what? He never did get married. So if this man was really looking to settle down and get married, don't you think that he would have done it by now? I mean it's been years. He was just telling you what you wanted to hear because he was trying to get some sex off of you.
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am i the only one ok with having more free-time for me and all the girly post break up stuff i got to do like self care, skin care and all that?