She recently released a video caping for them where she refers to them as 'modern day Romeos' and claims that all the women who criticise them are just bitter, jealous, feminsts who can't stand to see men refusing to put up with their evil, modern ways. She claims that they aren't exploiting the local women because
A) Poverty doesn't inherently remove the ability to consent to relationships
B) Not every relationship between a rich person and a poor person is exploitation
C) Older female tourists (especially older ones) also tend to marry younger men from latim American countries whom they meet on vacation fairly regularly
Some gems from the comments:
"I can't imagine "passport bros" care even a little bit, about the flak they're getting. These are men who've rejected the entire premise of having to grovel to the women they're catching flak from. And good for them. I think I got married just in time to avoid this mess."
"A significant number of US women are married to foreign born men (mostly Latin America). I don't see videos of US men belittling those women or their husbands. It seems the jealousy is a one way street."
"Probably the same critics who think all men are trash who are now wondering why men are looking elsewhere."
"Feminism is the women's union, of course they don't like it when women from other countries weaken their market power."
"Thank you for the video, Lauren. Many men, like myself, like these foreign ladies because they still revere traditional values. These women see marriage and Motherhood not as a prison, but as something sacred and fulfilling."
"It takes 2 to tango. A rich person offering ability to do rich things.
A poor person willing to trade what they have for those rich things they can do.
Only fans works on this premise. The poor person isn’t normally forced to do anything."
"How is it exploitation because of the difference in wealth between a passport bro and a foreigner in her own country? By that token, the true exploitation is of the woman that wants a man for herself for his resources."
I don't understand how this woman can shamelessly defend men like this? How can anyone possess such little self-respect?
Lauren Chen has NEVER been deployed overseas and seen how these males act. These males have been evil since before my father was even in Vietnam. Puccini wrote an entire opera (Madama Butterfly) about "passport bros" and their use of young girls, leaving their mixed children, and also indicating Japanese men for selling their girls to American soldiers. I used to live in Korea. These men who cannot afford and are too obnoxious for a Western woman to put up with go to poorer countries thinking that they're gonna pick up a slave for cheap. Hell, here in Texas the local donut shop guy is married to an Asian woman, and he works her like a slave making her run that shop, doing all the cooking, cleaning, cashiering, etc. I know ONE American guy who married a Korean woman who treats her well, and he's a good guy, but he was just 5'-4" tall and had a hard time in America with dating. I've been deployed all over the world, and the rule is that if an American or other Western nation resident male goes overseas, he's NOT a good guy. There are exceptions, but the rule is that they're bad guys.
Yeah… so one of my other requirements is that he has American citizenship. Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of dudes hitting me up for a green card marriage. They love bomb me so quickly lol
Passport bros are like if you walked outside where all the food vendors have their trucks set up, and one day there's a new guy, only instead of selling food, he's selling fried turds. And he's really proud of it--not even trying to hide it. "Hey ladies! Get your homemade, country-fried turds here! All natural and preservative-free! I use only the finest oil and seasonings to fry my turds! Not like those disgusting hot dogs at the other truck." And he's paid a bunch of women to stand around talking about how great his fried turds are, because they don't have all the preservatives that the other guy's hot dogs have. And then they go on about how bad hot dogs are for you. And yeah, hot dogs are not great, but this guy is selling literal shit. And you notice that none of these women who are talking him up are actually purchasing and eating the turds themselves. They just want you to eat them. And out of curiosity, you ask the man how much he's charging for his fried turds. And he says "well, I have a list of demands. What do you being to the table?" And you say "what table? What the fuck are you talking about? You are literally selling fried shit." And he says "Well that's it! The women in this park are too obsessed with food preservatives to appreciate my turds! I'm taking my truck to another park, where women recognize the value of natural and unprocessed food!" And he packs up his truck and leaves.
Then a week later, you're laughing with a friend about the ridiculous man who tried to sell you a fried turd last week, and you wonder what kind of reception he's getting in the other park. And one of the women he hired to advertise his turds jumps in to say "what's the matter? Are you JEALOUS? I bet you're sorry now that he took his truck to another park, and now you'll never get to purchase his turds. That's what you get for being a FEMINIST."
1) I find it hilarious that the far right is now using the same arguments the far left is using to justify prostitution. Both sides hate women
2) isn't Lauren Chen the ultimate pickme? Like she's a literal white supremacist despite being Asian and now she's caring for incels despite being a woman.
Lauren Chen is one of the first women I saw on YT who would post things like a video/article about an older woman lamenting being single and childless, etc., so her fans could circle-jerk over their revenge fantasy. I’m pretty sure she calls herself a “conservative” influencer, but she’s just redpill. She has nothing new or interesting to say about politics or current events, so this is what she does instead because it’s what sells right now. I often wonder how women like her *really* feel about these issues and how they really feel about their incel followers.
Lauren Chen is the worst. She literally doesn’t know anything about anything. She is the epitome of confidently incorrect.
Um, patriarchy? All it tells women from the day they're born is that their mission is to get on men's good side, so they are hopefully abused a little less than the other "bad" women who fail to comply to men's standards. Women think it somehow will make their lives easier if they always empathize with men, defend men and internalize their way of thinking. Many women have been trauma bonded to an actual abuser in their lives, so the fawn response is deeply ingrained. It seems easier to just join the winning team. Of course, as a woman, you'll never truly be in the winning team, but you can at least tell yourself that you are, and some random ass bros will even give you a little social validation and applaud you for contributing to your own oppression. The rewards for compliance can seem very enticing (and they're also heavily pushed on us so we believe we'll be happy once we attain male validation). It takes lots of effort to undo the brainwashing.
It's probably because her husband is technically a passport bro, isn't he? She's a Canadian that got herself an American husband (if I remember correctly). Or is she the passport bro here... 🤔
I know it's referring to guys going for women in poorer countries, but she probably feels like people are insulting her own relationship lol
She is a grifter (in the same camp as Just Pearly Things).
She use to stick to White supremists content, guess thats not making enough money for her anymore, she's selling her own race now. no asian women (or any other POC) actually listen to Lauren Chen
She's wrong but she's talking about sex tourists. Are passport bros the same thing as sex tourists?
Experience living abroad is a quality I'm seeking in a husband, and there are lots of legitimate, interesting, and laudable professional opportunities for anyone, including men, to do this.
Are we calling people who travel passport bros? I think it's necessary to clarify this terminology.
Deriding people for seeing the world is a really idiotic thing to do and it's beginning to seem like passport = bad, which is completely stupid.
(Any dude who ever goes to Thailand is an immediate red flag still tho.)
Look, I'm a full-blown right-wing libertarian and have no problem dissing fat or ugly women, but Lauren Chen makes no sense to me. There is no logic in her speech, and I don't think she believes half the things she says in public. Somebody is paying her to spout troll shit. I don't try to understand her at all.
I feel the same about Candace Owens.