This one guy I dated recently told me he'd been raped apparently by a woman at the end of our third date. Do you think he was just lying to try and get my sympathy and drop my own guard to tell him my vulnerabilities and possibly a covert narcissist? This same sh*stain also mentioned the idea of polyamory on the date and and I quickly shut him down haha. I showed up to the bar looking my best, classy and elegant and He didnt compliment me once or say anything and instead he pointed out another blonde woman who looked like shrek compared to me at the bar and said 'she looks like a friend I know, if she was that friend I'd go up and hug her right now'. I saw that as triangulating and stood up to him about it and he got super defensive and said he always hugs his female friends. Uh ok dude this is a f*cking date and you're pointing out other women, I felt so humiliated. He also brought some friends around me on our second meeting, some were female when we were playing some board game at his house and hugged on them in front of me. I guess to triangulate. And constantly bringing up female friends in text convos and even their ethnicity. He would send short lame Narcissistic texts like hey beautiful once or twice a day. He also claimed his ex wife was a sociopath and lied about having ovarian cancer. Maybe it was just narcissistic projection and in reality he was the actual rapist and sociopath. He also asked if he could kiss me at the end of the third (and last, I blocked and deleted already after that) date, so maybe him asking for consent was trying to make me think hes a good guy and I can drop my guard later on. He also mentioned on the 3rd date and complained about the $5 cover for entering this lounge so we went somewhere else..$5 how insulting!! Sure I know his job didnt pay much but I felt he complaind about that to further humiliate and dog me. He did pay for everything on the dates but they weren't expensive dates at all. He mentioned wanting to take me to this one Chinese restaurant across the street from the bar 'some time in the future'when we were standing outside the front entrance, was that just future faking trying to make it seem like he'd take me to a restaurant finally instead of just drinks? He also said I'm intimidating haha but maybe that was just his battle cry. I makeover six figures, lived in NYC and have traveled the world and hes always stayed in our same hometown working a retail job and claimed he'd been living paycheck to paycheck for the last 10 years. Seemd like way too much info too soon for a guy I'd just met. I'm thinking he also said the paycheck to paycheck thing early on to try and garner my pity and maybe try and get me to eventually pay for dates or stuff for him or travels. What do you guys think?
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Don't go to a guy's house on the second date. Also, run!
Girl, run. There is nothing redeeming about this guy. He's playing games, won't pay $5 cover, has lots of female friends... The sea is full of red flags here
He’s divulging that rape narrative to garner your sympathy. It’s a manipulation. Run.
He’s a gold digger. He wants to move in and then bring girls over to your place so that you leave him and he can live alone in your apartment rent free for the length of the eviction process.
Wow this guy sucks. I don't believe men when the first thing they say about their ex is she was crazy or a liar. Why would he tell me that? To make me feel sorry for him, and get ahead of the story before I potentially hear his ex's side of the story.
How did he even make it to the first date 😭 this man is something else
$5 cover is still around in 2022? Date me!🤣
Run. Literally there's so many red flags in that post.
Except for complaining about the 5$ he sounds like my ex. Run.