Hello, ladies!
So, if you follow me here on FDS, you know I've given up on men a few years ago and I don't really care about finding the one anymore. I'm happy solo and I want to remain so.
However, every once in a while, I'm cursed by intense sexual desire - and for the wrong men 🙄
After all, I'm still a fertile woman living in a world full of men, and some of them are quite attractive... At moments like this, it's hard to remain loyal to my values, such as no sex too soon, an no sex with LVM. I haven't had sex in a long time, thankfully. All my experiences were remarkably bad, so my sexual drive is low. But I ahven't even kissed anyone in a long time either, and I don't really know how to deal with the inebriating euphoria of mutual desire. It's so addictive and I need to be careful not to give in, especially considering I've never really had a genuinely good experience. So everytime I feel this, my brain goes "you know what? this could be your chance to finally have good sex and maybe even resolve some of your trauma."
The current context is: there are two guys at work who I really enjoy interacting with. They help me when I need, explain everything I need to know about the work, make themselves available to help me, are funny, etc. And I get the impression they are somewhat into me. I could be worng, though. Perhaps they are just helpful people. But I trust my gut and it's telling me they are interested. Also, men are usually very helpful to women they want to f***, so it tracks. And I've got to say, ladies... It's been hard for me because it's nice being desired, it's nice to fantasize and feel the feels. My body asks for it even though my mind knows I'll regret it.
Now you might be thinking "Girl, vet them and see if they are HV. Maybe even try doing some scrotation. Have fun, but stay safe." Thing is, one of them is married with children and the other one is 10 years younger (fully grown man, but that's still a big age gap). The married one sometimes says things like "hey, thanks for helping with xyz. I'll buy you a coffee as a thank you" kinda like joking, but still... My gut tells me it's some kind of unpretentious coffee date invitation (we've never followed up on those, though). The younger one is cute and has never made dubious invitations.
In december we'll have a gathering. It's supposed to be this "work party" and everyone will be there. Both guys asked me if I'm going. I'm scared I'll end up becoming actually interested in one of them (or both) and this could mean even more stress at work, more dissapointments in my personal life and potentially more trauma. So I wanted to make this confession to here and ask for advice.
How can I deal with this feeling? How do I fight it?
I never ever date colleagues. That's my security and livelihood I'd be messing with. If things go wrong I might end up unemployed or worse.
Also, married men who flirt with me are so gross to me, I could never trust them. I have two fuckable colleagues, both are married, both are just workfriends I chat with. NEVER would I homewreck, and NEVER at work.
I just read literotica and masturbate. That's enough for me.
You have (presumably) two hands and ten fingers. Use them.
Dating someone at work is a bad idea.
Look up forums about women's experiences with this before proceeding.
Hey you are not alone! We all get those feels.
And you know what makes them more intense? The scandalous nature of it all!
Do you think this would be as tempting if it WASN'T loaded with reasons not to engage? Pretend you don't work with them and they're just your friends.
Pretend that one guy isn't married with kids. Pretend the younger guy is only 2 years younger than you.
Pretend like you've had married and much younger coworkers orbit around you countless times. The forbidden fruit aspect and novelty of them has only heightened the cues they keep dropping, hoping you'll take the bait.
If they weren't hovering around you and sending purposely vague signals, none of those "off-limits" criteria you revealed would be able to fuel this. It's merely gasoline.
It's useless 'til a lit match of mutual interest is thrown onto it...Also, younger partners, extramarital affairs and office romances are things that boost men's egos and ruin women's reputations.
And that's probably the only reason why these two are hanging around so much. So you can be a dumb, easy bitch their friends (assuming they have any) can high-5 them about when they grossly exaggerate and over embellish all the mediocre and disappointing sex that you guys had.
My advice? Ask them to pay your bills. Or have a threesome with you.
And DON'T waiver on those conditions. It's either both of them or neither of them.
You got this, sis. Good luck! ❤️ 💪 💄
I would probably stop talking to the married guy. Even if it is hard, this man obviously does not align with your values because he’s married and flirting with you. And mind you, he is flirting ! Your gut is right. I’d say cut him off in your mind, make a conscious choice to block and delete. Start grey rocking. If you notice it’s hard or you’re reluctant you’re likely suffering from limerence or he has already successfully groomed you. He sounds as if he could be toxic.
I wouldn’t necessarily rule out meeting someone at work. OLD is full of narcissists and if you work full time it is a place where you can legitimately vet someone, mainly because you can see their interactions with others, you can observe them. How long do you know him? Is he respectful and kind, realisable, punctual, stable?. Have you observed him enough? Is he only flirtatious with you? Honestly I don’t think ten years are such a big age gap and age does not mean maturity in any way shape or form. So ten years (depending on the age of course , 20 and 10 isn’t acceptable lol) is ok.
When dealing with him, I would ask my gut “do I want to go out with him?” And you will get a reply. If you want to and your gut tells you he isn’t toxic, I would prepare yourself for him to ask you out.
If the party fills you with more anxiety than joy, skip it. It sounds like a good idea to skip to be honest. 😅
Regular exercise and masturbation might help too. It’s not the real deal of course but since you’re really vulnerable in that regard it might take the edge off. Starting a messy affair with either of them is a bad idea, especially the married guy.
I hope this helps. I am still new to FDS so forgive me if I make some fundamental errors, still learning myself.
If you want to have a fling, look outside your social circle, because men like to go full preying mantis after giving bad sex nowadays (even hot guys).
Use a condom, don't disclose your real name to anyone.
If you're going to fantasize, try reading fanfiction to avoid creating one-sided emotional ties with real people.
Also, showerhead on a slow drip/drizzle kept my virginity in tact for a decade, if you know what I'm saying.
Have you looked into what they have to offer for male sex robots?! I’m not even trying to be funny like , I’m wondering if the quality has actually gotten GOOD for women ? I bet theyre just so - so , but when they continue to develop I bet they’ll be really helpful for This. I’d love to see it .
Why did you give up on men ?
Your desires are natural, you are a heterosexual woman. You want to feel attractive toward the opposite sex. Instead of swearing off of men, it would be healthier to redirect that energy toward men who are worth your time... and see the married man for what he is, someone who has no value because he is a potential cheater anyway.
Maybe therapy could help.
I also did a break for some time when I'd feel crazy attracted to the wrong men. At that time I took it as a hint. It's obvious that I want something. So I simply started dating again and vetting men. At least I receive attention from guys who want to date me the right way (otherwise they don't make the cut) and some fuzzy romantic feelings even if that doesn't last and they show their red flags so they end up in my block list. One day maybe I'll find my actual match and my disciplined vetting process would have been worth it.
It is healthier to deal with your desires that way instead of repressing them.