The tile kind of says it all. I want to discuss with other women whether or not they have plans of strategic birthing. Something that always annoys me about feminist/women empowerment groups is that they tend to have a large number of women who don't want to have kids or who don't want to adopt or who won't have a kid even if a man isn't in the picture. And I'm just curious about the longevity of group when your adversaries are having tons of kids and you're not. How many of you here are interested in making as much money as you can, adopting or birthing kids(yes, sons especially) and then raising "simps" for your daughters in future generations? Women's groups tend to be a bit death cultish or lack in strategic long-term planning. They constantly demand that women deny in themselves their most basic primal desires (Sex, intimacy, fun) while also demanding that we behave like we're on some moral high ground or higher plane of existence when in reality women want the same things as men: to be able to live life fully and then go to the grave. Men have created these pipelines for other males where they can purchase women's bodies for sex, get fat and think they deserve a woman more attractive than them, be broke and think they deserve a woman that'll take care of them(even though they're not the ones that have to be pregnant, breastfeed, and take other types of hits to their careers and social lives by being a parent). And I'm just wondering why we as women don't create these pipelines for our daughters? Birth control and plan B pills are readily available. Quiet as we like to keep it, it doesn't take missing a period to know that you need to handle your shit. So, this idea that women can't have casual sex because of preggo scares, or some biologically deterministic idea that we aren't "wired" that way just always falls flat to me. Why is it that when we start businesses or join orgs, we don't create talent pipelines for women like us? Why don't feminist strategically hire or strategically move to certain areas en masse? I'm just curious as to why women as a group are more hell bent on successfully navigating a system that wasn't built for us instead of building a system for us? Why not practice and preach more strategic birthing? Why are we not adopting sons/birthing sons and then raising "Simps"? I just feel like your average feminist/ female empowerment space is a death or puritan cult. I wanna barf when I read certain feminist lit books that undermine pregnancy and birth when that's our fucking superpower. We literally get to decide what society looks like. Now more than ever. We don't need men for financial security. We can get that ourselves. We can raise better men. We just need to do the work. If you haven't yet, I really implore you brilliant women to work hard, grind, enjoy your life to the fullest and plant trees who's shade you will never know but your daughter's will. I look at the world my uncles, brother, father, etc have left behind for me and I know we can do better. You don't have to reject motherhood or sexuality just because men are garbage. In fact, that's exactly why we need to be more strategic about who we partner with. If he's not a "Simp" (a normal and healthy male) then keep it pushing and then raise the next gen better. But those of you that have resigned from dating but are doing well for yourself, join single mother by choice groups but don't fall into the trap of just giving your kids a regular ass hippydippy childhood. One where the patriarchy can com in and just fuck over the whole thing. Be a bit more ruthless and strategic. Stop trying to play "fair." Because most of y'alls definitions of fair only benefit men in the end anyway.
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Trying to out-breed the Duggars of the world is an exercise in futility.
Fortunately, ideas aren't passed down though genetics.
I understand that a lot of people want to have children. But it's not really the most pragmatic strategy considering it's possible to gain much more influence with much less effort by giving other people's children ideas.
Being a death cult involves having a plan that kills people. Not breeding is not the same as killing. I encourage everyone to live well and spread good ideas for as long as you can. Have children if that's what you truly want, but please don't kill yourself trying to out-breed the Duggars, it's not worth it.
I can tell you one thing -- I wasn't raised by a feminist. But here I am, thanks to the words of childfree feminists like Steinem and Dworkin. And I can't guarantee that my child will be feminist either. Children actually aren't mindless lumps of clay, and all you can do is expose them to good influences, which you, as their mother, are not solely responsible for.
More importantly, kids are a tremendous -- and I mean fucktonne -- amount of work. For at LEAST 2 decades. Feminist groups are heavy on child-free women for a reason. If feminists spend all their time pumping out babies, when are we going to have to time to get educated, climb the ladder, run for office and improve conditions for those future, especially our daughters. If feminists have made little progress it's because most women have kids to raise. When we do have kids, yes, let's raise our daughters to value their own worth, and our sons to emotionally support them, but where are our daughters going to go besides retreat back into another man's house, since the women with ideas and energy and income will have withdrawn from any kind of significant seat of influence in society and become dependent on men to support them financially? What you're describing sounds like the downward spiral into Gilead, but even better for men, because the women withdrew themselves from public life and the men didn't have to lift a finger.
So somehow women have to be financially independent from a man, which means having our own income, but also somehow still outbreed the pickmes and scrotes. What is the solution? To import a bunch of nannies to take care of our passel of kids for us? What values are they going to be teaching them? Well, hell, externalizing the emotional and physical labour of childrearing is EXACTLY what men have done and why they are in power, not us.
The most basic desire/ drive is to reproduce. Not to nurture. Not to love. Not to live well without being abused. We need to get our agenda straightened up if we want this to work. I'm with you on this. The idea is 🥇
There are plenty of FDSers who want kids, and plan to raise them with FDS values. For those who don't want kids, that's fine, of course. They can also influence other women and quite frankly, the more women who follow FDS principles the better it will be for all. Men will have to lift their game.
In a way, that’s pretty much the core idea behind FDS. That women should be able to date, be in relationships with men, have kids, and NOT have to surrender our dignity and cave to men’s control over us. It’s Female DATING Strategy, with an emphasis on keeping our standards high and protecting our wombs. Ultimately, we are not female separatists, nor are we anti-natalists (I am anti-natalist, but i certainly don’t expect other FDSers to agree with me). As was pointed out on the podcast: we may not be able to change shitty men, but we sure can breed them out.
Exactly. It's really crazy how men have convinced millions of women that our bodies and reproductive faculties are to be used by them and not us. The number of women that use the excuse of becoming "dickmatized" as to why they gave an heir to a low value male just baffles me.
🗣Make more Russell Wilson's and stomp out the Futures/nick cannons and quit entertaining them I also believe child free people can be great influences too. I know children are annoying af and big responsibilities, but the child free career women in my life have been a positive impact on me as I entered young adulthood
Really good post! There are varieties of reasons why a woman would be childfree, all the reasons which are through choice are valid in my eyes. I’ve always wanted to be a mum and really think it fits in well with my view of the world.
However badly the patriarchy crushes us, however we blur the line between genders, ultimately only women will birth the generation of men so my view is by raising HVM, I contribute to making the world a fairer place beyond my own life. children are not born prejudiced, they are socialised in gender roles or not (in my case). I think giving them open mindedness, respect and equality values from a young age, teaching little boys that girls are equals and should be value, teaching little girls that there is no limit to their dreams and ambitions based on their genders (with the healthy dose of assertiveness that goes with it) all contributes to a better society. Thats only my 2 pence :)!
Yeah, I think women who want kids should definitely have a militant and strategic way of finding a partner and raising the children so they go on to be good people, partners, and potentially future parents. Buuut I am not having kids. I’m not adopting kids. I’m not interested in that at all, the lifestyle personally sounds like hell to me. I’m also staunchly pro-choice. Motherhood is a choice. I will vote to make better lives for mothers, especially single mothers, but I don’t see why I, personally, would have to be a mom to make life better for women overall. I think by not having kids I’m doing your kids a favor, too, less competition and less people polluting the earth so your kids don’t die a firey death. Like, I agree with women having high standards and boundaries so that way they select only the best men to have kids with, but there are HV men out here who don’t want kids and so I’m gonna be all over that. Parenthood is a choice men for centuries have been able to opt out of, so it makes sense that now that women can control our reproduction that there are women, especially feminists, who are choosing to be childfree.
I agree 100%. Raising a generation of high value women, but not putting in the effort to raise just as many hvm/simps is going to screw them in the future. I don't want them to have to squabble over the 5% of men that are HV, they deserve an abundance of options. And that starts with us
" don't fall into the trap of just giving your kids a regular ass hippydippy childhood. One where the patriarchy can com in and just fuck over the whole thing."
Completely agreed. Just giving your child a "childhood" isn't the solution. He or she needs to be instilled strict moral standards, strong principles, and tough love! He must get to work doing all the work as future training to be a family man.
Unfortunately, a lot of males are hard-wired to think of males as a collective. Males sooner side with other males (their "bros", biological or not) against their own mothers or girlfriends.
I'm scared to have kids and fuck up raising them, and they end up diverting from my teachings and entering a rebellious stage.
Asian kids don't have a rebellious stage. It's usually the western kids who enter a rebellious stage because that's trendy in America.
Wow, this post made me think. I'm not sure I want to have biological children, but I was always fond of the idea of adopting at some point. How do you envision raising boys that can escape society's patriarchal conditioning? I don't want to be pessimistic, but we're talking about the influence of one person (or a few) versus the whole world.