I have an emergency fund. I have a standing order each month that goes to savings for a house deposit and car. I just base this off the timeframe I plan to buy in as I don't want to keep cash around for a long time unnecessarily, especially with inflation so high right now. I have a monthly direct debit to my investments.
I just invest in a global index fund. Any spare cash I have left over each fortnight, I just invest it.
Aside from working on my career to increase my income, is there anything else I could be doing? Or is this pretty much it?
I'm currently UK based.
It sounds like you are in a strong financial position! I’m not sure about the UK, but in the US, it’s better to invest in tax-advantaged retirement accounts first (like 401k or IRA) before a taxable brokerage account (which I assume your index fund is in). Can you take advantage of any lower tax rates by saving for retirement in a special account?
You could look into updating your insurances and what makes sense for you there depending on your current living situation and future life. If you sign up while you are still young, the rates are very low with most insurance plans.
I highly recommend having legal insurance, for example, because you never want to be in the situation where you can't fight for your rights because you can't afford a decent lawyer or are settled with a shitty state-appointed one in a life-or-death situation.
As my father said: if it is very likely to happen (like getting sick) or if it would completely ruin your life if it happens (like everything you own being destroyed in a natural disaster or being accused of a crime you did not commit), it may be worth looking into insurance for it. Otherwise a single event can eat up all the savings you worked so hard for in an instant.