I sometimes get bad or sharp cramps, bloating, soreness, and my friend bought be a bottle of these pms gummies. She gets bad cramps too and she says that they help her a lot. These are supposed to help with PMS symptoms and periods. They have good reviews online. I even took them with me to my doctors appointment to ask if they're safe to take and he said he's not sure if it will help, but they are safe to take. I took one yesterday since my period is coming up. I doubt it will help since I waited, but hopefully I'll see a difference next month.
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I think this is a total grift. First, it's meant to help with PMS, but PMS isnt real. It's a myth that our cycles cause hormonal "imbalances" that make us cRaZy bitches. Women claim to experience PMS because they've learned to expect it, and then confirmation bias and something like a placebo effect take over. And Hum is selling you a ... placebo to cure your placebo effect condition.
Second, even if PMS were real and these gummies helped with it, it's not going to help with your cramps. There's definitely nothing on the bottle that says it will help with period symptoms or cramps, just PRE menstrual syndrome.