Choking is when you have broccoli stuck in your throat and “breath play” is a term that gaslights women (and society) into redefining strangulation as a kink. Strangulation is a crime. Strangulation is domestic violence. Strangulation results in femicide —the murder of women because they are women. Strangulation can statistically increase your chances of being murdered by 7-10 times. Strangulation can result in temporary and permanent physical damage to you as shown in the diagram below:

“A study found that 43 percent of women who were murdered in domestic assaults, and 45 percent of the victims of attempted murder, had been strangled by their partner within the year before.
If you’re lucky enough to survive being strangled, the odds of your partner doing it again are ten times higher. And even if you survive non-deadly strangulation, the effects can certainly be permanent.”
Source: The Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention
If a man lets slip in any way that he has a “choking” fantasy —block and delete immediately and never see or talk to him again. Tell any mutuals you know that he is unsafe.
If a man tries to strangle you or puts pressure on your neck or tries to suffocate you in any way during sex —immediately express you do not consent and kick him out. Cleary expressing you do not consent is important as many countries accept a “rough sex defense” that protects the man from criminal charges. Call the police and file a report for domestic violence and strangulation. Charges don’t have to be laid or laid successfully. The officers don’t need to believe you. The report is what’s important. Any future woman or employer can do a police record check and your domestic violence report will come up. It will directly effect his datability and employability.
Women must collectively not accept strangulation as a sex act. It is not acceptable for a man to be sexually aroused by the thought of murdering women. Femicide should not be a kink. Strangulation isn’t a kink, it’s sexually deviant pornsick misogyny. We must remind men it is a crime. We must ensure real world consequences for these sick men.
Any man who tries to strangle me probably won't live to talk about it. You know how in court the male says the women wanted him to strangle her to death and that the murder was consensual? Well, I'm just gonna say the stabbing was consensual. That it was his kink to choke me and to have me stab him 55 times. 😏
I told a person that getting spanked is my kink asa vetting strategy and he got excited and wouldn’t stop making slap jokes. And I already know that person is an abuser. A man who at least respects you and values you in a way would squirm, he would feel a little uneasy and isn’t sure if he could do such a thing. Men who get excited at hitting or slapping/spanking during foreplay just want to hurt you without consequences.
It is very, very important to understand that strangulation can kill you even days after it occurs. The vascular trauma can result in sudden unexpected death with no warning. If you have been strangled, even if it didn't seem severe to you at the time, schedule an immediate angiogram. Do not take no for an answer, as some medical staff will be totally clueless or even insinuate that you're a hypochondriac. You must be checked for blockages; it could save your life. One of many available references for the skeptics:
And yes, report it to the police, each and every time. There is a growing movement to criminalize sexual strangulation so that it becomes a crime against the state (a public harm) like domestic violence is now. This prevents pickme victims from signing up to be murdered by pornsick psychopaths, who then use the defense that the victim asked for it. Strangulation is aggravated assault, or what used to be called "attempted murder." Do not ever, ever accept it as normal or okay. A man who does this to you is fully willing and capable of killing you.
Funny how this "kink" used to be the sole purveyance of serial killers. Now, it seems every asshole is into this domestic violence flavor. The way I see it, a man who enjoys strangling his partner is a serial killer in waiting. No bueno, and no thank you.
I can see the woman enjoying it, but any man that feels that way during sex is an immediate next. I don't care if you get more endorphins by adding danger or pretending you're raping me. Have a more boring orgasm or pick someone else, or be normal and healthy towards me.