This is why we leave instead of CoMmUnIcATiNg or going to CoUpLeS CoUnSeLiNg
Couples counseling tends to be counter-productive in an abusive relationship for many reasons. One is that this type of therapy assumes the concept of mutuality in the relationship and that the problems are based on a systemic problem between the two parties.
Couples counseling helps people with conflict resolution, communication problems, childhood issues brought to the relationship and struggles with intimacy.
In an abusive relationship, mutual goals cannot be attained because the abusive member is not interested in equality.
Couples counseling sends the message to both the batterer (batterer can be physical, emotional, and/or psychological in nature) and his partner that the problem is mutual and that somehow the partner is responsible (at least in part) for the abuser’s behaviors.
This type of “provocation causing the abuse” was a common theory in the 1960s and 70s for couples counseling practices. Terms like, “she pushed my buttons” get credibility and both the perpetrator and the victim believe she is somehow culpable for instigating the abuse.
Both members of the partnership are taught to focus on their feelings when in couples counseling. This approach is counterproductive in an abusive relationship because the abuser spends too much time already focusing on his feelings and not enough time focusing on other people’s feelings (particularly his partner’s).
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Why couples counseling does not work with an abuser
Why couples counseling does not work with an abuser
Comments (5)
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Yup. Covert Narcs are completely capable of tricking even the most astute therapist.
@Denverkris Yes, THIS: "Pro Tip: Just leave. And don't tell them until you're already gone."
The more you try, they less they'll respect you. I read the book Psychopath free and it woke my ass up.
>"In an abusive relationship, mutual goals cannot be attained because the abusive member is not interested in equality."
This. I made the mistake of trying couples counseling with my abusive n-ex. It lasted a total of one session. As soon as he figure out that the therapist wasn't going to fall for his you could see it on his face. He thought he was just going to go in there and snow this therapist (I purposely picked a heterosexual male therapist with a PhD and a background in treating narcs) and keep pulling the same bullshit. That car ride home was one of the worst experiences of my life. Pro Tip: Just leave. And don't tell them until you're already gone.
I'm glad I never wasted my time on couples counseling with my soon to be ex. He only wanted to manipulate, that's just his M.O. in life.
Conversely speaking, my sister who was married to a HVM (who unfortunately passed away) went to counseling about a specific issue that was bothering her. He saw his part in it, they met halfway, and continued with their happy life. <3