Subhash had left behind a 24-page note where he had narrated his ordeal and had also posted an 81-minute video with a board on his neck that had ‘Justice is Due’ written on it, the police said. He had also alleged that a family court judge in Uttar Pradesh favouring his in-laws had been charged with corruption.
Personally, I am ambivalent about the whole situation. There are keywords like altruistic s**c*de being thrown in the mix. Wherein it could possibly change the society. However, I always feel, no matter what, taking your own life is an act of cowardice. An HV man would strive to change society by fighting the corrupt system yet I am not married to the revolutionary type. I sought out after my own match and so did he.
And, the ex-wife and her family appear to have taken advantage of him. I call BS though, men have the ability to gossip among themselves and this is telling that he was unable to create his own tribe.
Ladies if a man is living in complete isolation like this, I would advise that refrain from dating him.
What are your thoughts on the matter?
Indian here and millions of Indian women get taken advantage of, and I dont want to put my 2 cents here. Whatever the case is, it should have been handled privately, this is a family matter and far more heinous things happen than this petty case. Worse things I have seen is people bashing the women for her looks?!