(Please delete if recommendations to paid programmes are not allowed. This is my opinion & view, after using the programme- not a paid endorsement)
I found this account & the associated programme helpful and informative after a toxic relationship.
Ginger Dean - Psychotherapist
'Loving Me After We'
There's a lot of content on social media (on instagram in particular), focused on self-help/abusive relationships, which is overwhelming- this account is clear, not wrapped in fluff and calls women to the 'altar' (in her words) to take account & build self-respect (whilst still calling men out on abusive behaviour), & validating the feelings that come with traumatising experiences.
The programme gives structure & a plan for healing- I personally found this invaluable as I had no idea where to start to process things & to build my MH back up.
Wishing anyone who's experienced a traumatic/abusive relationship all the best with their healing journey🌷
(the painful AF rollercoaster of ups and downs in healing does get better! Hang in there 💝)