Hi all! Ive been working the same office job for the past 5 years. I reached out randomly to a lady who posted on Facebook that she had openings for a casual role that involves setting up photo booths at parties.
i love photo booths and extra money, so I thought I’d shoot her a message. I’ll be going in next week to learn more about the equipment!
the vibes have all been good, the pay is good, everything seems above board. But I’m just so scared of trying new things!!!! I’m already getting jitters! how do I stop being so anxious when there’s no reasons to be?
I heard on the Dave Ramsey show someone who was worried they were too old to go to med school in their thirties. Dave said instead of saying "am I too old?" Instead say "I want to be a nurse, do I want to be a nurse in 5 years or not?" I was like woah as long as you're alive you can make decisions it's never too late
Instead of anxiety, try to frame your emotions as excitement. "I can't wait to start learning about photo booths! I'm going do something I love AND get money for it?! I want to start right now!"
I always tell myself that the first five minutes are the most uncomfortable. That helps. You got this, Tate!
Sincerely good for you! It's an opportunity to also broaden your horizons. Being jittery is normal. Just be safe and good luck!
Congrats on finding something exciting ☺️ maybe you’re anxious because it may not pay well? I tend to worry that the rug will be pulled out from under me. All you can do is go ahead with it and be aware as you go along that it isn’t a perfect fantasy. New things can cause anxiety. My only tip is to ask what to expect of the first whole day.