Every man who has tried to enter my life, whether for friendship or family, turns toxic. I avoid them as soon as they show undesirable behavior. My interactions with men are minimal, like brief exchanges at the store.
I set boundaries that repel most undesirable people for starters, and my social anxiety leads me to avoid interactions. However, I worry about my ability to work well with others in a workplace setting, especially men.
While I’m content living a male-free life during my online studies, I know I’ll need to interact with men when I enter the workforce. I feel like they try to extract value out of me to drain me(free-therapy, companionship, etc) but never do anything to reciprocate. When I needed therapy, I needed to either pay for it or get my school appointed therapy and that still costs me because of student loan debt. It's not free to me. It's not easy to find. I do not go looking for men to give me therapy, money, nothing really because they just don't have anything for me.
I can honestly say I've never had any person in my life that was life changing and had me desiring to keep them in my life.
I do not apologize if I generalize, I don't care if they're "not all of them" are this or that. I just want to know how do you cope with daily interactions with men cause I just want my bag and go home.
If you don't have a problem setting boundaries in your personal life, I think interacting with men on a professional level will actually be easier. They act slightly better when they have to be professional (depending on the job, I suppose) because there are more repercussions for their poor behavior if it's called out.
I could have written this. I’ve probably met one genuinely good man in my life. I stopped interacting with them in general. At work, I am VERY cut and dry with the men… no smiles, no jokes, just work related stuff. Sometimes this scrote tries to talk at me and I give him very minimal answers while continuing to look at my computer screen. Dont put any emotional labour into them, its not worth it. It never has been.
"I know I’ll need to interact with men when I enter the workforce"
Not necessarily. I don't know what field you plan to enter, but I've had the luxury of elevating myself from a job where I had frequent, IRL interactions with men to my current job, which is 100% remote and does not require face-to-face interaction with men at all. Yes, my boss and some of my coworkers are men, but none of my coworkers or clients have ever seen my face/body. The lack of face-to-face interaction has reduced the sexual harassment by 100%, and at this point, I do not plan on going back to in-person work in the near future.
My advice is to find a remote job that does not require interaction with men in real time, if you can.