My mother gave up everything to move to a foreign country with my dad, her career, social circle, her happiness. She was, and still is, deeply unhappy and my first bully. I grew up with the idea that love is conditional. She will make jabs at me all the time, calling fat, telling me I'll get fired if I make a mistake at work, etc. It's like she hates me for being single and free.
My dad was working non-stop and just poured money into me. He would get random anger attacks.
I feel like this was the perfect recipe for ne to become a pickme, something I am still trying to fight. Also the reason for me to never want kids. Generational trauma is a bitch.
My parents actually called me names for "allowing my ex to abuse me". Anyway, I can't ever win with them.
You could have repeated my same story verbatim 💗 My mothers as pickme as they come and covert narcissist, she was definitely my first bully! Father also was a covert coward and they were both my enemies since day 1. So glad I'm no contact with both and they'll definitely never have anyone around to help them wipe their as* in their old age! Both of them left me when I was 3 years old. My mother also did stupid things like put men before her children. They are deeply envious of happily single women and narc mothers are in a competition with their own daughters, it's sick. I think it's smart you decided no kids. I'm also childfree and due to trauma and it's sick so many men have no empathy for our childhood trauma yet want us to empathize with theirs and force us to have unwanted babies. I'm actively working on destroying my inner pickmeism caused by both abusive parents that never loved me, and also healing CPTSD they also caused in therapy. Our pickme mothers are 100% to blame why we keep attracting sociopathic men that just want to use and abuse us and treat us like trash. They represent our useless absentee fathers.