The horrible video is a stark reminder. Males, redpillers, are at war with women for control of the human genome & never forget this is what they do when they get ahold of it.
They start popping out the crippled & disabled & deformed.
The grooms mother was forced to marry her 6-toed, 45 year old uncle at age 12 & she birthed him.
Now this man with profound developmental impairments is getting his own weeping bride.
There is something in males, where even the strong, healthy and good looking males have a deep sympathy for the males who are crippled, disabled, ugly & deformed, and want to get him laid with the hottest of women. They want to take a beautiful, healthy girl and give her to him so he can wash his bad genes in her good genes, which just allows him to spread his bad genes.
When men are fighting us over sex and reproduction, it's so they can do this.
And if anyone thinks, 'Oh, that's just the Muslims,' absolutely not. The Mormons also force girls to marry their own cousins and uncles and half brothers. Males are naturally incestuous and run the human genome straight into the ground as soon as they get control of it. They do it every time. What this video shows is the end result of patriarchy.
It's not just Muslims.
Making women property of men privately and publicly is the entire male agenda.
They want to pee in snow.
I don't think genetics are the real issue here, but arranged marriages. If it's as if being ugly was a genetic "deformity", though.