You guys, this is a reddit post. I wish I could just post screenshots but there are too many slides as I found this on Instagram. Atleast you don't havw to go on reddit.
This man felt unaffected by the knowledge that he's giving her pain and destroying her mental health. He felt unaffected by his ex-girlfriend threatening to press charges. He wanted to keep going as it stillfelt good.
The only thing that made him want to stop was that his friends started leaving because they weren't anymore near as high value as him. He only stopped because his friends found out about it. He only cared about what they thought.
We often feel this as women, where our husbands, boyfriends, brothers don't care what we say even when they're doing some fucked up shit, but wanting to look good infront of their peers will make them do or discontinue anything no matter what it is. Hence the power of the word "simp". Any guy being too nice to his girlfriend or a girl he's asking out is a simp.
What we ultimately find out in this story is that if his friends agreed with him stalking his ex-gf and encouraged it, he would double down if anything. Nothing short of prison or his ex taking her own life would stop him.
It's also important to never ever feel sympathy toward these guys. He truly feels nothing about giving his ex pain because it feels "good" to stalk her.
Basically, if your man is friends with someone who's cheated on their partner, why are they friends with someone who cheated? If his friends go to strip clubs but he doesn't, how is he able to be close to them without being like him. Even if he thinks it doesn't affect his character, it eventually will. This is why I actually don't think bad about people dropping their friends when they move up in life, not superficially but in mindset.
You are who you surround yourself with but if you decided to be a HVW wouldn't you gradually spend more time with HVW and less with your old LV friends.
You may read the post and think my message is a little removed from it or unrelated to it. Really it's about how his friends proved themselves to be more HV by deciding they don't want such a person in their life. Well, the ones who left him anyways, unless they take him back.
If his friends aren't kind or fair to women, he's not kind to women, he just has a facade on. If you reject him, he might use the situation to say "being nice doesn't work on women", but you saw through him even if you don't have evidence yet.
A man is only as good as his shittiest friend. Cos that the level of behavior he finds acceptable.
This is what I've finally come to terms with. Men don't actually care about people, women especially. They care about themselves and only appearing to be a decent person, and that's mostly to other men. Appearing that way to women is only for the purposes getting sex. Having a hot piece of arm candy for a man, is for showing off to other men. She is an object, like his car. When they have anonymity they let their depraved nature come out (online dating, reddit, whisper app). When they think nobody is looking, and there is no proof, they will behave in their true nature. As long as the think they won't get caught, they're fine with it.
This is also why I'm done trying to explain to men what women deal with compared to men. The don't have the desire to understand or capacity to empathize. They don't care because they don't have to and it suits them to keep their privilege. Men will not change their ways by women pleading with them. Only consequences and the idea of other men (society) confronting and shaming them for their depravity will they begin to change. If in large part men cannot find sex or attention and time (nurturing) from women, will they might think about having to change. Only when they know if they act like a scumbag and other men won't laugh along with them or act like it's no big deal but will call them out, will they have to change.
I highly suggest women first focus on their lives before trying to find a HVM ( if you want to even bother at all these days, I do not). Your Career, buying a home, hobbies, having a good network of female friends etc. Have your foundation set up and feel confident that you are capable to support yourself, so you don't ever feel trapped in a relationship that you'd rather not be in.
In Ancient Rome men policed other men's behaviour. That's how they kept DV under control. When other men found out what you did, you'd be beat up by your peers because it was socially unacceptable behaviour
Men like this should put themselves down like the dogs they are. No amount of therapy will fix this creature's disdain for women 🙄
Just the title alone. I don’t know what to do next like huh??? How about get off of Reddit and go to therapy. Of course he made it about himself and how is he ever going to recover from this. Fuck off guy