November 2003 edition of Maxim men's magazine.
And look at steps 2 & 3: it's point blank describing liberal feminism. This is all the proof we need to say that libfem is a honeypot operation to destroy and take over feminism. I will never ever date a liberal man for as long as I live.😡
As a proud combat-boots feminist, I abhor this even when taken as satire.
Too many incels and desperate dusties would take this seriously, with their porn-fried brains unable to pick up on the subtleties.
Anybody else notice the uber-sexualized schoolgirl type outfit in the second to last step too? Gross.
Do any rad fems even object to a guy opening the door and picking up the check? I had a guy tell me how chivalry was sexist but I feel like men like that just say that so they have an excuse to be lazy while reframing it as " progressive".
What strikes me is that the vast majority of women fall into the last two catagories already. Lost women who have not learned how to de-centre men from their lives, and outright toxic Pick-Mes. Basically, there's NO REASON to manipulate and coerce the 'militant feminist' minority if what you want is a Lost Girl or Pick-Me. The way that technique is written up here makes it sound more like sport than a genuine search for connection with a compatible soul.
How sad.. And I thought the mid 2000's was a cool year. I guess there are scrotes even back then.
Anyway FDS should be more active on twitter and tiktok. If men can fantasize killing and raping women who rejected them then we can roast some scrotes on tiktok. Tiktok has a higher reach than Reddit/Instagram or other social media platforms so far. I'd say let's take advantage of that.
That doesn't seem like it's supposed to be serious...