Another reason to avoid scrotes. They're also a danger to your pets! Th girlfriend is extremely lucky that the scrote didn't kill her too or her kids "out of curiosity"
Also couldn't help but notice that the dog he killed was a tiny helpless dogs and not a big, strong one like a german shepherd (gee i wonder why)
"Autopilot" my ass. He knew damn well what he was doing
"Why does he do that" is a book that is often quoted here, but I just like when Lundy Bancroft points out that abusive, violent men who claim to "lose control in a fit of rage" and who go on to destroy things never actually destroy their own possessions, only their girlfriend's (and ideally things that she cares about). Here he seems to pretty explicitly target his girlfriend's two dogs, never his own. Autopilot my a$$. He's got enough self awareness to leave HIS pet out of harm's way...
Killing animals for no real reason is a sign of pyschopathy. His girlfriend needs to get away from him and fast!
That man should spend the rest of his life locked up. Even if his bullshit "zoning out" story were true that is all the more reason for him never to see daylight again. He didn't accidentally kill that dog. A tragic accident would be not seeing it while driving backwards and hitting it with your car. He killed it on purpose and while being completely aware what he was doing.
The girlfriend should have done the same to him and made sure nobody ever finds his body. I would have. If someone harmed my pets he would regret that for the rest of his pathetic life.
Why kill her dog and not his?
Obviously he's a psycho and I bet the part he's not telling us is, she did something to make him mad and this is how he's punishing her.
Maybe one day someone will strangle him to death from curiosity
The girlfriend and kids were next. My uncle killed my aunt's dog because he was jealous that she "loved the dog more than she did him." Males are destroyers.
Now there are more and more countries that punish the murder of animals even with prison sentences. I hope she lives in one of those and report him to authorities.
Oh fuck! That poor pup 😢