This is my quote, and while it may sound ugly, it's the cold reality of what happens when you split the bill with an LVM.
This does not imply we are prostitutes, that our sexual services can be bought for a monetary price. This does imply that we should vet ruthlessly to avoid LVM seeking to provide minimal investment in exchange for easy sex.
In my experience, many men in the U.S. expect sex within the first three dates. In their minds, if they show up to the date, allow the woman to pay her portion of the bill, and convince her to give them oral sex (or any type of sex), then they have won their little game.
So whenever you feel tempted or pressured to pull out your wallet on a date, repeat this in your head:
"A man who expects you to pay for your portion of the date is worse than the smegma he expects you to swallow for free."
Men don't go 50/50 with other things only their wallet needs to be split. You are doing 150% and If he's a broke loser then it's 200% for you. Yeet those scrotes from your life.
And also remember that if he was out with his buddies, he would (most likely) not even hesitate to pick up the tab.
Similarly if he was out with his dream chick (think: Angelina Jolie), he would never in a million years expect her to pay even one penny.