I just can’t help but laugh at how pathetic someone must be to go to these lengths. These men claim to be the ‘prize,’ yet they go as far as creating and buying women-looking robots. This is how much men need women, to the point where they’ll opt for the fake version just to feel the touch of a woman, even if it’s fake. It’s so embarrassing. The porn-sick comments are even worse. Everything they say is a projection—literally everything. ‘You’re going to die alone,’ ‘What do you bring to da table?’ The fact that these parasites are willing to pay $175K for a fake version of a woman. just to have the presence of a woman, is insane.
Most XYs don’t even earn that much to even purchase this. these men will still degrade and devalue women, all while obsessing over Women. They project so hard. These RP communities were created to make men feel better about their miserable lives. It’s all projection. They’re so mad at the fact that women are valuable just for existing. But this just shows how much men struggle to function without women. The fact that they’re using it as a way to threaten women, like… “women will need to compete with robots” like they’re special. if women didn’t want these males before what makes these males think women will want them AFTER. Their obsession with women is disturbing. And I don’t know why I feel sorry for the robot women, even if they aren’t real. 😭
Instead of working on themselves to be better they take a robot wife they can abuse and misuse because there is zero chance the machine will leave his ass.