Misogyny. Misogyny everywhere. My mom has told me that my cousin (16F) is going through her rebelious phase. She's agruing with her mother all the time, telling her that she's not her mom and she hates her, etc...
So her younger brother saw her having sex with a 21 yo in their house. He told his another sister about this and she urged him not to tell their parents. When my mom told me this guy was 21 I went red. Why on Earth would a 21 yo be interstred in a teenager? My mom responded that she also should have thought about her actions, to which I said that she's 16 and the responsibility is on the older one. He's fully aware of her age, her vulnerability, her "phase" and he used it. I called him a pedophile. The fact that in my country it's ok for a 21 you to sleep with a teenager is just sickening!
But it's not all. Yesterday my mom was at a local festival with her two nieces - 18 and 21. So my pretty, highly attractive cousin was approached by my would-be rapist (almost 40 yo). Gosh.... The anger that I felt. He'd better not run across me anytime soon.
It has always been that way, men make women the backbone of the society so that the can blame women for everything, they make women the primary caregiver so that women can be blamed for shitty sons. They have higher expetations for women so that they can blame them when they do something wrong. Men want the privilige of the husband, the perks of being a bread winner, the decision making of a leader but the expectations of a child and accountability of a dog and a clean slate of a saint
They call accountability a woman's kryptonite but if they had to carry the accountability of a woman then it would be more than just a weakness, it would be like death sentence to them. When men do something wrong and the result is divorce or the girlfriend leaving they always try to make themselves look like victim and in most cases they always get pity.
When a cop scolded a man for pulling a prank on a delivery girl ppl in the comment section acted like he was too harsh with him because he mentioned that he's just frustrated with his life.
Also women should stop looking for daddy figures in older partners, they are not your dad they are predators, Discipline is your father, creative energy is your mother we should stop filling empty voids by putting up with scrotes but be our own caregiver and provider. Older men in my opinion are pedophiles by nature because if they could snatch you up at 14 years of age they would.
the age of consent with much older partners should be 25, that would enrage them because they can't prey and manipulate young girls, and the age of consent should be 16 if they are in a relatiosnhip with a teen their age, it should be an open invitation for a pervert. I got approached by a 70 year old and I'm telling you, they have no shame.
It’s absolutely revolting to me that grown men in their twenties think it’s appropriate to date teenage girls. I’m 24. There is not a single ducking thing I want to talk to a 16 y/o boy about. I don’t even want to talk to 21 y/o man. The only reason they’re interested in these children is because they’re pedophiles. Maybe it makes them sleep better at night because she’s gone through puberty. They’re like oh I’m not like those bad pedos I wouldn’t go near a little kid. But they’re doing the exact same thing, and I believe their age preferences just get younger and younger.
I was getting dinner with my grandma and her friend the other day and my grandma's friend started talking about her long lost lover. When they met, she was thirteen (THIRTEEN) and he was 18 and just joined the military. She emphasized that he was a gentleman and just took her around town to meals and stuff, but no. gross. GROSS. Period full end stop. It doesn't matter that he didn't touch her. No 18 year old guy who hangs out with 13 year old girls has good intentions.