i’m glad i discovered FDS at a young age. I’m 19 and a junior in university. I’ve come to the realization that most girls are pick mes. since i moved to my current school, I realized that a lot put themselves in dangerous situations because they want male attention. I feel that a lot of them hook up with guys in hopes of commitment as well. A lot allow themselves to get used by men as well just to feel like they have a man.The ones in relationships tolerate a lot of bs too and it sounds draining. Girls compete for male attention over here as well and put other girls down out of jealousy.it’s hard to find friends on my level who think the way I do. I don’t care about what guy thinks i’m attractive and all everyone talks about is tinder and who they have fw with and “sneaky links.” Following FDS for a few months caused me to have many harsh realizations. One of the biggest ones it that I had to unlearn a lot of things as well. i take things for face value now. it’s liberating not worrying about what men think of you
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You are lucky you discovered it early. When I started leveling up and following FDS, I realized that my “pick me” friends were not really my friends. But - I was glad at this realization because I also realized that staying friends with these types of women would also hold me back in multiple ways and make it harder for me to have a good relationship with a HVM. There are a lot of pick me women out there, but at least we are not them! With knowledge, awareness, self respect, boundaries, and standards (all things pick me women lack) we are set to have good futures filled with good choices.