I live in a big ass city but have such a hard time making friends. Im away from family but I’m close with my lady coworkers and neighbors thankfully but I really need more community around me. I’m often in social circumstances and I meet incredible women that I would love to connect with more but don’t really know how. Any one have some tips on engaging someone on first meeting so there’s a chance of a follow up? If you meet a new lady, what usually helps to connect more and makes you want to exchange #s and connect again and maybe pursuit a friendship? Thanks for your insight!
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Go to meetups, there are even some with only women. I’ve met so many amazing women in my city that way.
Bring up the activity/point of interest/whatever in your conversation (ex. you both love attending the ballet) as you're parting ways say something like "I'm totally down for the ballet if you're up for going soon. Here's my card, give me a shout if you're down" usually does the trick. I always carry business cards on me too
I would highly recommend joining female-only meetup groups!