If you spend every day consuming and replying to negative + misogynistic content online, you will get existential depression. These misogynists are not gonna disappear if we give them attention, so stop giving them your energy and time. So, put all your attention towards YOUR OWN GROWTH, skills/education, and FRIENDSHIPS with women. Lead by example in the feminist mutual aid you want to see in this world. WORK HARD, LADIES! I am big on self-improvement, and to save us all time, I'll keep the lesson short: DO NOT ENGAGE IN CLAPPING BACK. ONLY PUT ALL YOUR EFFORTS INTO YOUR EDUCATION AND WOMEN-ONLY FRIENDSHIPS. Those are the key to happiness. Men — who make no effort to understand women and who now try to act as if they are oppressed, which is f*cking abhorrent — are not any key to happiness. I am so lucky that I know all of this at 19 years old, which is why I am a forever-childfree and voluntary celibate who will retire early and with wealth in friendships and success.
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Same thing is true if you constantly consume male depravity posts and scrote nonsense and reality TV and there are no good men and HV is so rare give up finding yours