Hello Queens!!
It’s time for our Sunday reflections 🥰
This is a dedicated post each week reflecting on how our last week goals went.
Please feel to talk about the following:
Reflect on it how went with working on your goals
Your “win” for the week
Your “speed bump/challenge” this past week (relating to goal or not)
Strategy(s) to address challenges/goal
Stay tuned for tomorrow (Mondays) post where we can list our updated/new goals for the week ☺️
My initial goal was to post in the Sunday Reflections thread and here I am! :)
Additional Goals
Print photos and frame them for my coworkers. I didn't do this because I was super busy BUT there's a CVS that just opened near my job so I can easily get it done on my break.
Take product photos for my small business & update my website; social media comes after that. I crushed this goal. Not only did I go live with my site but I also attended a networking event for entrepreneurs (I'm going to work on no longer calling it a "small" business) and at that event I made a sale! I'm also working on editing a Tiktok for packaging that order.
Review progress on a project that I'm doing at my actual salaried job and prepare results to present at a meeting next week. I'm measuring patient engagement with our EHR system and I need to see if my strategies are working. This was completed also and I created a way to track future progress. Can't wait to present at the meeting tomorrow.
I fell behind on my educational goals and didn't order my supplies needed for my fall semester. So I need to get on that this week. I'm excited to start school and invest in myself. I did meditate a lot this week, exercised daily and remembered to track all my meals. I also started a great workbook. Yay! I set a few self care goals and those sort of morphed into different types of pampering and self care throughout the week. I like the idea of just allowing myself some time each day to do something/anything indulgent and for myself.
I met with one friend for a meal and an easy hike. I made it a point to reach out to every other friend this week. Feels great to support them and remarkable how much support I have surrounding me!
Excited for next week! Thanks Queens for all the discussion, support and info on these forums!
My goals for last week:
Cook a simple, healthy meal every day
I didn't cook every day, but I made it a habit to eat healthy
20-30 minutes of strength training at least 3 times a week
It's going good so far! Hopefully I can continue with the momentum.
Eye breaks every 20 minute of work (I'm so terrible at this!)
Eek, I'm still not taking enough eye breaks. I'm going to try using a timer / calendar reminder.
Experiment with 4-day work week
This is the trickiest, as I'm a slow writer (I write for a living). Let's see how next week goes.
Set a budget every month
Haven't done this yet, though I am keeping track of my expenses.
And my favorite, outline my novel (I haven't been writing for myself for the past five years and I want to change that)
I've enrolled in a self-paced online writing course to keep myself accountable. So far, I've completed the assignments (i.e. written my pitch, logline, and dramatic question). I'm looking forward to the next session.
All right ladies. So I felt that this week I didn’t stick with a good evening routine when coming home from placement. So I’ve realized now that I will make a list the night before (just did one now for tomorrow) and make sure that I just do it. Not rely on motivation or “being in the mood”. A win this week was becoming more very confident in my dress style. Yesterday I went to an outdoor summer event and I wore this fun, beautiful bright yellow/golden retro summer dress. A couple of months ago I would have felt uncomfortable wearing clothing that is bright and draws attention to me. But I feel that as I’ve become more confident I’ve realized that I love fashion and I want to wear clothing that reflects my taste and style. It feels so liberating to dress for me and to keep these men mad as I’m not following current fashion trends nor dressing for the male gaze. And quite opposite I had many women going out of their way to come up to me, compliment my outfit and style and asking where I got this dress and that sparking fun and new conversations with strangers. All in all I’m hoping that I’ll have a productive and rejuvenating week 🥰