Because I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, I was hoping the proposal was more like "I'm at a place in my life where I want to settle down, is that something you see for us?" But nope, she rehearsed a whole damn speech and proposed to him while they were on a vacation (that I assume she planned too.) Girl, no.
On top of that, the one night stand where she says she locked eyes with him first before he even noticed her. This relationship sounds like the equivalent of the free bread they put in front of you at a restaurant: You didn't ask for it, but it looks tasty so you'll eat it. Jodie was this scrote's free bread basket.
Exactly. She was available so he said sure and used her and the relationship to boost his image and status. How sad.
Just now I saw a Buzzfeed article calling out Joshua on how he said she "adamently" insisted they get married. It wasn't cute or funny, it was disrespectful of your partner.
Because I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, I was hoping the proposal was more like "I'm at a place in my life where I want to settle down, is that something you see for us?" But nope, she rehearsed a whole damn speech and proposed to him while they were on a vacation (that I assume she planned too.) Girl, no.
On top of that, the one night stand where she says she locked eyes with him first before he even noticed her. This relationship sounds like the equivalent of the free bread they put in front of you at a restaurant: You didn't ask for it, but it looks tasty so you'll eat it. Jodie was this scrote's free bread basket.
You read my mind about creating a post on them.
FDS is the way to go. If women follow the guidelines FDS has, then they’ll be fewer Jodies in the world.
Their relationship started off in the worst way possible and I always felt that sadly, it would come to an end.
A faulty foundation will lead to an eventual breakdown of a relationship.