Hi ladies!
I have some major examinations coming up next year, but I find myself struggling to stick to a study routine. The syllabus is tough and requires focus that I simply do not have! Plus, I lose a major chunk of motivation when I don't get things on my first try (which is inevitably going to happen every single time lol!) These exams are important and a major career boost. Here is my dilemma- I have to somehow make studying this tough STEM subject stimulating and fun for a routine to be sustainable
I came across these tips from my own research and I'm implementing them but it still is not working:
Exercise and sleep well
Stop trying to think yourself into finding motivation- just physically vote with your body and begin doing it (works for physical tasks but not for studying)
Make it easy and small (cannot always do that since I am constrained by an objectively tough syllabus that is slightly beyond my comfort zone)
Medication is not an option, unfortunately
Do any of you ADHD ladies have tips on how to study tough things consistently? Thanks a ton!
All the other comments have much better advice than I'm able to give, so instead I will share with you how I was able to graduate my program with a 4.0 (I also am diagnosed with ADHD but choose to be unmedicated). Instead of putting me on medication like I had initially asked for, my therapist suggested that I self-medicate with caffeine for a while first. I did, and although it isn't the healthiest avenue it was the only way I would have been able to perform. Trying to wean myself off of it now that school is over has kind of sucked, but it's not impossible. It's much less potent of a stimulant than amphetamines and much easier to get yourself off of. I guess what I'm saying is- don't feel bad if you need to lean on external sources of dopamine to get through your studies. I know for a fact that I would not have been able to do it without. School is extremely demanding- even on people who don't have ADHD. If it makes your life easier for the time being, why not?