So Chinese scrotes have found a way to turn a sperm cell into an egg that can be fertilized by another mans sperm to make a gay couple baby. slow clap.
They only had to edit 20 genes. And take a womans egg, remove the genetic material, and inject the 2 sperms. Then they needed a surrogate female to grow and birth the offspring, of course.
Even then: "Only 11.8 per cent of the viable embryos were capable of developing to birth and not every pup which was born lived to adulthood.
The mice that did live to adulthood showed altered growth, shortened lifespans, and were sterile."
Men will do anything except go to therapy, amiright?
So assuming they are successful some day, with all this intervention and probably artificial wombs, who will be able to afford these lab babies? The average gay couple? My guess is the govt and huge corporations that need labor that AI can't do. Corporations are already a "person" legally in the US, so what law stops a "person" from making babies?
I don't know what the solution is to resist this but I'd at least start talking loudly to anyone in my circle about how surrogacy is just another form of prostitution and to stop investing in certain tech companies which is the popular thing to do right now.
Enjoy your birth defects, learning disabilities are linked to older fathers mostly. But when women make sperm from another woman's bone marrow we have healthy children but the only side effect is that you can only have girls. Only women have the Mitochondrial gene. and these timmies can't compete with that.