"France’s leaders are getting younger, but its population is not. Just days after Emmanuel Macron — the country’s youngest head of state since Napoleon — appointed the country’s youngest-ever prime minister, the national statistics office revealed that France had the fewest births in 2023 since 1946."
"After all, it’s hard to promise things like a “reindustrialization” of France without a workforce to go with it. The same goes for the reality of more war and the need for more defense spending — which Macron sees as a good enough reason to launch more joint European borrowing. “With our armies already facing an unprecedented staffing crisis, a declining birth rate could make it harder to maintain our military power in a more dangerous world,” wrote Le Figaro."
"For Macron, one answer is to reform parental leave, which is seen as poorly compensated and badly suited to a world of more women in work. He also seems determined to extend a protective hand over would-be parents — and an increasingly crotchety, conservative population — beyond the maternity ward, with proposed limits on screen time that could be enforced by law. “More kids, less gaming” is certainly one way to bridge the gap between generations, even if it doesn’t sound great for video-game firm Ubisoft Entertainment SA’s share price."
Ahhhh yes.....gaming is the reason for the low birth rate in France....not low wages, expensive housing, men.....no no no...games are the problem. God forbid they fix the issues that are going on.
Low birth rates are a good thing, and population collapse theory is an evil lie.