Oh, hell no! Even if the women “used” consented before becoming brain-dead like signing up to become an organ donor, this is still an ethical mess. I can’t believe a woman was in charge of this report! The report is theoretical (thank god), but in reality, brain-dead surrogacy as an option for having children would only be accessible to the wealthy who can also afford to change the consent laws, have consent forms be doctored, or pay off poor families to gain a surrogate —continuing the long tradition of women’s bodies being reduced to a commodity for sale. This would be the precursor to the artificial womb that all types of misogynists and gay men keep threatening women with to “render us useless” —especially because the researcher notes there’s a possibility brain-dead men could be used as well one day. I genuinely don’t believe turning brain-dead bodies into a sought-after resource would go well or be able to remain ethical. What do you think?
Read the full article:
These out of touch quotes from the report author made me very uncomfortable and made my concerns about this only becoming an option for the wealthy (resulting in an immediate power imbalance) feel validated. It’s going to be poor and disadvantaged women who end up being the surrogates, hands down. The wealthy already use living surrogates (like Grimes & Elon Musk), this would allow them to have one without free will or human rights:
“As pregnancy and labor can bring severe health issues, even in opulent environments with prevalent healthcare, Smajdor says shifting the risks to those who won’t be affected by them should be an option.”
”If WBGD is viewed as a straightforward means of facilitating safer reproduction, and avoiding the moral problems of surrogacy, we should be ready to embrace it as a logical and beneficial extension of activities that we already treat as being morally unproblematic."
The true dystopian horror movie. In some countries you're automatically opted into organ donation and you have to opt out. Here's a nightmare for you: Locked in syndrome + raped/pregnant against your will.
There have been incidents of support workers having sex with women in a coma/vegetative states and those women give birth.
Women aren't seen as human beings. Unfortunately they're seen as only incubators.
Lol if only people who thought surrogacy was a good idea were considered brain dead stupid THEN the turntables would turn. This is a serious issue bc women's silence on this topic IS compliance/enforcement. It's ok bc she didn't say no
It's horrible to equate surrogacy with organ donation or "renting". Pregnancy (for any amount of time) permanently affects your WHOLE BODY it's not "renting" or donating anything. It's labor. To decide that someone can "consent" to being an incubator/life support system to be managed by other people for other people's personal profit goes against every notion we have of human rights! But it's ok, she's just a woman and she can't talk back anyway.
This also doesn't consider any of the implications for the child's development. Children can hear in the womb and begin learning language from their mothers- babies can differentiate sounds between their native language and foreign language very quickly. And just as traumatizing as it is for a woman to notice her baby stop moving in late term pregnancy- what does it do for a baby to not have any interaction with their mother in utero? We don't know what happens when that dynamic (of a mother with agency) isn't there
Thank you for making this post. I had read about this and had the same thoughts. Absolutely unethical.
Let me guess? It's a man's idea. Soon women who don't want to breed should be used as meat shields for the army right?
Unconscionable. Strictly unethical in any capacity. There is no way to ever obtain meaningful informed consent should a woman ever want to agree to be a brain dead surrogate for lack of a better term. Jesus.
Avoiding the moral problems of surrogacy and bringing up moral problems of forced pregnancy.
This is like eldritch horror level dystopian nightmare. Fucking yikes. I have nothing valuable to contribute in my comment, just my horror.
Funny, I was just reading some godawful research that came out of New York, which was saying that male transsexuals are soon expected to have womb transplants to help them with their feeling of “femininity”. There are a lot of other problems involved, like having to take immunosuppressant medications for the rest of their lives to avoid transplant being rejected by the body, and complete reliance on Caesarian-only birth, or the transplant only being good for and then being taken out after max 2 pregnancies. Dystopian times we live in.
Beyond disgusting. Meanwhile there is no male birthcontrol because they side effects are too 'severe'.
Times are shifting and soon the panic of falling birth rates will intensify. We will see men and governments put more and more pressure on women to comply.
When the time comes I will have my Popcorn ready 🍿🤪 but I will never budge.
God, I hope this is just rage-bait satire.
Comparing brain-dead surrogates to organ donation is fucking retarded. We don’t carve out organs without written consent while the patient is STILL ALIVE!
What a failure of a though experiment. The only people who might think this is a good idea are those that that truly believe women should have less agency than a corpse.
This is absolutely disgusting, and horrifying. We need to stand up for the women who would be abused and traumatized like this.