i feel like it’s a mix of misogyny and incel culture. they’re mad they can’t fuck the women they want because those women have no interest in them so they want us to suffer. honestly it's best to be celibate and single for the most part at this point.
Men see women bettering themselves, and instead of taking it as a sign to improve their lives in tandem, they claim for our renewed oppression.Their egos won't let them see that they are to blame for their own shortcomings — it's easier to blame women instead. They feel like we should lower ourselves so they may have something to feel superior over. Well, fuck that, we're not going to put up with their bullshit any longer.
Oct 03, 2022
Not surprising at all. Being a part of generation Z really opened my eyes to men who are my age. Most of them constantly make fun of feminism, as if women having basic rights is the most hilarious thing ever. They also poke fun at their girlfriends who behind their back, which is so ironic given most of these women support the cookie cutter libfem “men are oppressed too!!” feminism.
Growing up I encountered the lowest of the low scrotes since I was a part of the geeky groups in middle and high school (I was the goth girl who sadly was the biggest pick me ever). The socially awkward “nice” nerdy guys are literally the worst. They constantly watched porn, even in public (school buses were the worst) even remembering the specific names of porn stars. Not only that they applauded themselves for being the “doms” in their surprisingly existent sex lives. They enjoyed abusing their partners in bed (one awful friend I had in 11th grade said he loved strangling his girlfriend in bed because it meant she “trusted” him 🤢), making their girlfriends use birth control because “condoms ruin the experience”, and of course copying what they watched in porn. Not only that but also going the ye ole 50/50 dates/walk dates/coffee dates/car dates/fast food dates, etc. Other men are like this too but it’s always the loser type of guy that takes a crumb of women attention to take advantage of innocent women. A lot of men in my generation fit this description to a t.
Men under 30 are just as misogynistic and trashy as their ancestors but there is only one difference between them: men only had to do the barest of the bare minimum to succeed (they still do now but back then there was no “competition” since marginalized groups were always held back). Now that women are getting a crumb of equal rights young men are angry because they don’t get a trophy for getting out of bed and going to work. More women than men are succeeding in school/college because men don’t put in the effort to pass. More women now are working and not being held back by some abusive piece of shit with his kids. We can actually live an amazing life without them. That is why they are mad. At us. At women. At feminism, because it takes away their sense of control and power over us. We no longer have to serve their unwashed asses anymore.
This is why I am not giving some gross Redditor with a hentai profile pic the time of day because my goddess self is way better than that.
I like to replace "woman" with "human." Men under 30 are less accepting of human rights. Women are still being othered from the male default
i feel like it’s a mix of misogyny and incel culture. they’re mad they can’t fuck the women they want because those women have no interest in them so they want us to suffer. honestly it's best to be celibate and single for the most part at this point.
Men see women bettering themselves, and instead of taking it as a sign to improve their lives in tandem, they claim for our renewed oppression. Their egos won't let them see that they are to blame for their own shortcomings — it's easier to blame women instead. They feel like we should lower ourselves so they may have something to feel superior over. Well, fuck that, we're not going to put up with their bullshit any longer.
Not surprising at all. Being a part of generation Z really opened my eyes to men who are my age. Most of them constantly make fun of feminism, as if women having basic rights is the most hilarious thing ever. They also poke fun at their girlfriends who behind their back, which is so ironic given most of these women support the cookie cutter libfem “men are oppressed too!!” feminism.
Growing up I encountered the lowest of the low scrotes since I was a part of the geeky groups in middle and high school (I was the goth girl who sadly was the biggest pick me ever). The socially awkward “nice” nerdy guys are literally the worst. They constantly watched porn, even in public (school buses were the worst) even remembering the specific names of porn stars. Not only that they applauded themselves for being the “doms” in their surprisingly existent sex lives. They enjoyed abusing their partners in bed (one awful friend I had in 11th grade said he loved strangling his girlfriend in bed because it meant she “trusted” him 🤢), making their girlfriends use birth control because “condoms ruin the experience”, and of course copying what they watched in porn. Not only that but also going the ye ole 50/50 dates/walk dates/coffee dates/car dates/fast food dates, etc. Other men are like this too but it’s always the loser type of guy that takes a crumb of women attention to take advantage of innocent women. A lot of men in my generation fit this description to a t.
Men under 30 are just as misogynistic and trashy as their ancestors but there is only one difference between them: men only had to do the barest of the bare minimum to succeed (they still do now but back then there was no “competition” since marginalized groups were always held back). Now that women are getting a crumb of equal rights young men are angry because they don’t get a trophy for getting out of bed and going to work. More women than men are succeeding in school/college because men don’t put in the effort to pass. More women now are working and not being held back by some abusive piece of shit with his kids. We can actually live an amazing life without them. That is why they are mad. At us. At women. At feminism, because it takes away their sense of control and power over us. We no longer have to serve their unwashed asses anymore.
This is why I am not giving some gross Redditor with a hentai profile pic the time of day because my goddess self is way better than that.