On a more serious note, although it doesn't specify women, I think this is yet another insidious aspect of patriarchy pressuring us to settle quick and early before we've solidified our boundaries and career - and thus, more vulnerable and pliant to men.
Also-what studies??? How tf you measure the veracity of soulmates?
I don't believe in soulmates. In fact the relationships that gave me the most butterflies and were the most intense have also, without exception, provided the most traumatic and damaging experiences of my life. Seamless, steady, stable...that's all I look for now. The struggle love rollercoaster of sOuLmAtEs is toxic and a bad sign, Hollywood fantasies notwithstanding.
It makes so much sense that you won’t meet your soulmate as a teen or in your early 20s. I’m a big believer that you’re not a fully grown adult at that stage, especially ages 18-20. You can’t even legally drink or rent a car. You’re fresh out of HS. I believe 18-20 year olds are still teenagers especially if you look at psychological and scientific development. You haven’t even gained any life experience yet, so how are you going to find a soulmate at those ages?
Maybe it could be self reported. Ask a bunch of people how old they were when they met their soul mate. Because I could see young people say that they did in their teens or early 20s because that’s when a lot of people (men and women) experience their first love. They’ll confuse that really intense first love to a soul mate, and it doesn’t matter if they are still with that person or not.
Now, I don’t think their actually was a study and I think you’re right it’s about getting women to settle.
I don’t believe in soulmates now but I did believe in them when I was younger. Like teens and early 20s. If someone asked me this question when I was young I would have said
“yes, I’ve met my soulmate“ because I experienced my first love at 20/21. Even after that break up I still thought he was my soulmate and somehow we’d magically get back together🤡
It doesn't matter whether soul mates exist or not. If you treat your soul mate like shit, they're gonna leave you. Plus, I believe you become "soul mates" or "the One" via your actions. How many men have I met in my life that said, "Nah, I can wait to settle down later. I can do better than her." who took a pass on settling down with me? All of them except one, and I married him right when I turned 25, and it was over when I was 26.5 years old due to breaking my neck and jaw. I really don't like all of this rhetoric aimed at women that we should all just die at age 30. Because knowing this world and the governments in it, they just might decide ALL of us need to die by age 30 like that Logan's Run movie, and men, being the useful idiots that they are, would gladly vote for that kind of setup for women not realizing that in a few short years, they'll also be added to the age 30 death penalty squad.
Ah, yes, the man I've met at 20-21 who ended up hitting me and abusing the shit out of me for many years after was definitely my ✨soulmate ✨ because reasons.
Maybe this applies to situations like mine, where you end up reconnecting with someone you knew from childhood/school/college later in life. Many people end up marrying people from the general location they grew up in, just because similar backgrounds can give relationships a head start.
well, i met myself when i developed the capacity to recognize myself as an individual. that happened when i was a small child. considering the fact that i am my own soulmate, those studies are technically right hahaha
Hm. Perhaps one could spin this to mean non-romantic soulmates? I met several lovely women who really understood me before I was 21. Of course, I met other lovely people after turning 21, also.