Im already hilarious but my leveling up journey since diving headfirst into FDS has brought me so much joy, laughter, friendships, money, and comedy gold 🪙 but it also makes me look back and realize how much anger I carried into my relationships from past or daily interactions with other men and I honestly regret nothing 😂 🤣 I'd always know why I was so angry and sometimes would try to stop before it happened (bc we were having a good day or whatever) but fk that, the fight was 100% worth it, I'm an instigator and I don't have to choose men, I have no stake in helping a man have a relationship with me when I can level up for a woman instead 🤣 we're equal opportunity over here and men can't even pass the preliminaries 😭🤣 I love this part of myself so much I'd be like maybe I should work on this 🤔 but now I'm like this is the absolute last thing I'm ever working on 😂 oh no not being single and surrounding myself with female friends I can support and hang out with and spread female supremacy to 😂
Men as a whole don't even deserve a look from your direction, but remember there is always a woman looking at you thinking how pretty your hairbun looks, your sweater looks comfy, and wishing she could say that to you 😁👍
Remember that the world is not what men have taught us to believe bc it's not just me, my entire female friend group is like this towards women especially, even pre FDS. Safe connection and community is our right and I hope each of you are able to feel that today. 💓🙏🥳
I regularly compliment female strangers and I love seeing their faces light up because it’s a pure compliment.