Noun. Plural. Definition: Men who value going 50/50 in romantic relationships out of stinginess. As in, a cafe breve that's made up of half-and-half creamer.

Avoid at all costs in the early stages of dating! If he wants to show he's a good provider, he won't be pinching pennies and he'll understand that he already benefits from having you around (improved physical and mental health, emotional support, status boost, etc).
Look at this lil princess hanging on to his 80 bucks!!! 🤣
This is how I picture all men when they even utter the word "gold digger" or mention "tables" and what women bring to them. Or 50/50! Or coffee dates (wtf?!)!
It's like okay, go guard your little 80 dollars back in your troll cave and leave us alone then?
I’ve seen heaps of men buy expensive things for themselves but are cursing when their partner spends over 60$ on herself with his money. And it’s not some men, it’s most. And I’m not going to be like not all men to safe guard the fee fees of a lurker or manoid. Most of them are like that and most of the justify that because there is some imaginary gold digger.
Men and women according to the law have the same opportunity and rights when it comes to working, voting, buying and selling so why do I need men for? I don’t have to put up with them for a baby as I can go to the sperm bank if I change my mind. Chances are high that I have to raise the child alone anyway so having a man is going to make things harder.
It’s disgusting how men want everything for free. Just stay alone and live with your mother then.