In the lead up to this case, I was reading and watching up a bit more, this week.
I was extremely disheartened to learn that the Government's own Human Rights body (I think they're called the Human Rights commissioner, or Council) in Australia, is actually SIDING WITH THE MAN in the this case. Literally supporting discrimination against WOMEN. It has really made my heart sink. Gosh, I really hope Sal and her lawyers gives em HELL. It's literally one woman against the govt of the country!!
re the huMAN rights body's position: @ 3:40 onward for more info and to donate if you can: more info, interviews etc:
Despite still believing in true love myself and love Romance novels, Value men like the husband of Serena Williams I have no problem with the 4B movement getting bigger and have girls live a hybrid 4B lifestyle by not letting men come close to them in the age group where they prey upon them. women from 18 to 25 face domestic violence from men and a girls first bad experience with a man usually happens with a family member like an older Nephew or Uncle.
I do a 4B hybrid lifestyle I will not let men move in with me, I will not cook for them unless they are tired from work or sick.
I signed up for a partnership not a man child or a retirement plan for him to exploit.
I do think to be more effective the 4B movement should support gender select and only have baby girls to weed out men until the danger and threats against women is neutralized globally.
There should me more women on this planet or there should be segregation where women own half of the planet and men own the other half. Sure we can visit to mingle but both men and women part ways when it's done.
With that our safety, happiness and rights will not be compromised by men and the biological males wearing women costumes aka the Frankenstein transvestites.
Here is where I make my stand.
We have the power to weed out the trash without lowering to their level.
They have their passports we have a legion. The days of the pickme area had its season and it's closing, Even married men are butt hurt with the 4B movement because their side pieces and booty calls will run out.
We have no choice but to let the 4B movement grow because look at New York, they are punching women in the face because women do what men wants and that is choosing better and ignoring unsuited manoids.
There's an account on Twitter that is doing live updates.
I will be tuning in.
Although I will say, reading the comments from all the donors gives me some hope!