Stumbled across this stellar radfem list that is free from lib fem nonsense.
This feels like an excellent North Star for FDS followers to strive for, use to check in with themselves, and see how far they've come.
It's a long list, here's the link to read it in full online

Amazing post!
Regarding the physical strength thing, I have always wondered how much of the size and strength difference between men and women is really biology and how much can be attributed to millennia of selective breeding (aka men preferring to procreate with smaller, weaker women they can overpower and control more easily) and plain malnourishment (aka women and girls getting less and lower quality food than boys and men).
Because animals aren't like that. Yes, there are certain differences between males and females but a fierce muscular lioness is obviously more likely to survive, procreate and successfully raise her cubs and to be an asset to her pride. A weak, dainty lioness is more likely to die. Intentionally wanting your females to be weaker than they could biologically be actually makes zero sense survival-wise.
I sincerely hope 'Woman' is called adult human female and nothing more because I've even seen Radfem defend these men in wigs.
Pregnant women = Expecting mothers.
Women with children = mothers.
Medical term for woman " Biological female or female anatomy.
I'm sick of women calling them feminists but allow these freakazoid frankenstein tranvestites in our space.
I felt at home in the 4b movement and Wgtow but they allow these freaks to be apart of it, like these scum know what hate crime is. If they are getting beat up by men then it's not our problem.
In Dianic Wicca a coven for women these freaks are invading.
You're not a feminist if you call a dude in a drag a woman.
Feminism is for women . If you allow these freaks in then you can kiss your rights goodbye because they are not coming in peace and demand that we are treated beneath them in our space.
And most importantly Women should stop being parentified when it suits the other party and infantilized when it suits men.
Stop overprotecting women don't deny their right to self-determinism or agency over their desire to enjoy the outside life.
It's men who should be kept inside if they can't behave themselves.
I love this post, thank you for sharing!